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Lowongan Kerja Lampung Mei 2016

Rona Motor merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang otomotif dan kendaraan roda dua. Kembali membutuhkan segera tenaga kerja yang aktif untuk posisi sebagai berikut:

  • Pendidikan minimal SMA (1)
  • Pendidikan minimal D3 (2)
  • Pendidikan minimal SMU/D1 Ekonomi/Akuntansi
  • Memiliki sepeda Motor (1)
  • Mampu bekerja dengan target
  • Jujur, disiplin dan tidak mudah menyerah
  • Mampu bekerja secara team
  • Domisili Lampung Timur

Kirimkan CV. Lamaran Lengkap Anda ke Alamat:


Jl. Raya Pasar Way Jepara Lampung Timur

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LOKER LAMPUNG - MEI 2016 (Terbaru)

PT. Sparta adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang importir yang berlokasi di Ir. Sutami, saat ini membutuhkan tenaga kerja untuk mengisi posisi sebagai:



  • Pria 
  • SMK Teknik
  • Maksimal 27 tahun 
  • Memiliki SIM C (1)


  • Wanita
  • Pendidikan minimal SMK Akuntansi
  • Maksimal 23 tahun
  • Belum menikah

Gaji, uang makan, bonus mingguan dan bonus bulanan

Asuransi, Jenjang Karir, Mess Karyawan

Kirimkan CV. Lamaran Lengkap Anda ke Alamat:


PO. BOX 7888 BDL 35000

Surat lamaran diterima paling lambat 2 minggu setelah lowongan kerja ini diterbitkan (cap pos)

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Lowongan Kerja TRIBUN LAMPUNG Mei 2016

TRIBUN LAMPUNG adalah grup Kompas Gramedia, yang bergerak dalam surat kabar harian yang terbit di Lampung. Saat ini sedang mengundang Anda para profesional muda untuk berkarir bersama sebagai:



  • Pria/ Wanita
  • Pendidikan S1 semua jurusan
  • Berpengalaman minimal 5 tahun dibidang marketing media
  • Berpengalaman diposisi struktural minimal 2 tahun
  • Memiliki jaringan lobi yang kuat
  • Berpenampilan dan berkepribadian menarik
  • Bermotivasi tinggi, luwes dan energik
  • Mempunyai kendaraan minimal roda 2 dan SIM C
  • Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh kota di Indonesia
  • Berpengalaman dibidang marketing dan even


  • Pria / Wanita
  • Usia maksimal 26 tahn
  • Pendidikan D3-S1 semua jurusan
  • Berpengalaman diibidang marketing minimal 2 tahun
  • Komunikatif, kreatif dan inovatif
  • Bekerja dengan target
  • Mampu bekerja dengan tim
  • Mempunyai kendaraan minimal roda 2 dan SIM C

Kirimkan CV. Lamaran Lengkap Anda ke Alamat:


Jl. Zainal Abidin Pagaralam No. 83 Gedong Meneng Rajabasa, Bandar Lampung

cantumkan kode posisi pada amplop

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Bursa Lowongan Kerja KLINIK KOSASIH

KLINIK KOSASIH adalah Klinik Umum yang sedang berkembang pesat dan sudah memiliki banyak cabang dilampung, saat ini sedang membutuhkan tenaga kerja profesional untuk mengisi posisi sebagai:



  • Pria / Wanita
  • Pendidikan S1 Kedokteran
  • Diutamakan Mempunyai Surat Tanda Registrasi (STR)
  • Diutamakan Mempunyai Surat Izin Praktek (SIP)
  • Jujur, Disiplin, Komunikatif, Bertanggung Jawab, dan Dapat Bekerjasama Dalam Tim

Jika anda memenuhi pesyaratan seperti diatas silahkan Registrasikan data diri anda dengan mengisi Formulir Pendaftaran Lowongan Kerja KLIK DISINI 

Jika anda sudah melakukan Registrasi data diri maka anda akan dihubungi Via SMS atau Via Telpon, dan Jika anda sudah dihubungi maka anda dapat mengirimkan CV. Lamaran anda ke alamat:


Jl. Teuku Cik Ditiro Blok E No.4 Kemiling, Bandar Lampung (0812-8647-5022).

Atau cabang klinik kosasih terdekat

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KARIR KERJA Lembaga Amil Zakat Yatim Mandiri

Lembaga Amil Zakat Yatim Mandiri adalah lembaga sosial masyarakat yang memfokuskan pada penghimpunan dan pengelolaan dana ZISWA ( zakat, infaq, shodaqoh dan wakaf) serta dana lainnya yang halal dan legal, dari perorangan, kelompok, perusahaan/ lembaga umat Islam dan menyalurkannya secara lebih profesional dengan menitikberatkan program untuk kemandirian anak yatim sebagai penyaluran program unggulan. Saat ini membutuhkan segera tenaga kerja sebagai:

ZIS Consultant


  • Muslim / Muslimah
  • Pendidikan SMA / D3 / S1
  • Bisa membaca Al Qur'an
  • Mampu bekerja team
  • Menguasai komputer dan internet
  • Berjiwa sosial dan memiliki loyalitas tinggi

Kirimkan CV. Lamaran Lengkap Anda ke Alamat:

Lembaga Amil Zakat Yatim Mandiri

Jl. Sultan Haji No. 19 Sepang Jaya Kedaton Bandar Lampung

Paling lambat  28 Mei 2016

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Lowongan Kerja PT BNI Life Insurance (BNI Life)

PT BNI Life Insurance (BNI Life) merupakan perusahaan asuransi yang menyediakan berbagai produk asuransi seperti Asuransi Kehidupan (Jiwa), Kesehatan, Pendidikan, Investasi, Pensiun dan Syariah. Kembali mengundang Anda para profesional muda untuk berkarir bersama sebagai:

1. Tenaga Pemasar


  • Pria/Wanita, Usia 23 – 30 tahun
  • Pend. Min D3, Semua jurusan
  • IPK min 2,5
  • Fresh graduates, lebih disukai memiliki pengalaman di bidang penjualan minimal 1 tahun
  • Berpenampilan menarik, memiliki kemampuan komunikasi, presentasi dan negosiasi yang baik
  • Berorientasi terhadap target
2. Risk Management Assistant Manager

Persyaratan :

  • Pendidikan Sarjana (S1) Jurusan Matematika / Statistik
  • Pelatihan Minimal : Statistical science, finance, risk management and basic science investments
  • Pengalaman Minimal : 1 Year
  • Sehat jasmani dan rohani
  • Pria / wanita
  • Usia minimal 25 tahun dan maksimal 28 tahun

Catatan :

Hnaya kandidat terbaik yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti tahapan seleksi selanjutnya.

Rekrutmen BNI Life ini tidak dipungut biaya.

Bagi Anda yang Berminat, Kirimkan Segera Berkas Lamaran Lengkap Anda ke:

Email: hrd@bni-life.co.id

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Trump says he'd bring Beijing into line

The Republican presidential front-runner proposed a sweeping redirection of America's global role in a major speech, part of a string of planned addresses designed to flesh out what a Trump administration would look like and to establish leadership credentials ahead of an increasingly probable general election clash with Democrat and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

The billionaire businessman simultaneously addressed restive American voters and global elites worried by his fiery rhetoric on national security: He stressed that the United States would always put its economic and foreign policy interests first but said that allies in Europe, Asia and the Middle East would benefit from a much stronger, less ambiguous U.S. role in the world -- as long as they were prepared to pay up.

"America first will be the overriding theme of my administration," Trump said in his remarks at Washington's Mayflower hotel, delivered from a prepared text and in a subdued fashion starkly at odds with the free-wheeling rhetorical style that has powered his political rise on the campaign trail.

"Under a Trump administration, no American citizen will ever again feel that their needs come second to the citizens of foreign countries," Trump said.

He added, "My foreign policy will always put the interests of the American people and American security first."

The speech appeared to be a multi-pronged attempt to reach out to a host of important constituencies.

First, he appealed to a Republican foreign policy establishment that has been highly critical at points of his credentials on global national security policy. Second, he tried to reach wavering Republicans who may be excited by his harsh critique of the "Obama-Clinton" foreign policy. And third, he sought an affirmation to loyal supporters who have flocked to his "Make America Great" slogan amid claims that the United States is weak and not respected by its enemies or foes. His remarks immediately elicited criticism from Democrats, but some GOP insiders offered positive words that have until now been in short supply for Trump.

He spoke the morning after a sweep of five primary states that drew him markedly closer to the delegate total needed to claim the Republican nomination and at a time when his campaign has begun a broad effort to cast him in a more presidential light.

But Trump often lacked specifics, delivering little in the way of a recognizable foreign strategy and repeating many of his campaign trail declarations, and did not explain in detail how his ideas would be implemented or touch on the likely response from American allies and enemies to his sharp reorientation of U.S. global principles.

In comments likely to cause shockwaves among U.S friends in Europe and Asia, Trump previewed early attempts to cut deals with Russia and China -- seen by many adversaries as bent on overthrowing the current security order guaranteed by America. If there was not a good deal to be had, Trump warned, he would be prepared to walk away.

But he also said he would not rush to war, striking an isolationist note that contrasts with the last Republican administration of George W. Bush.

However, Trump was introduced by Zalmay Khalilzad, President George W. Bush's former ambassador to Afghanistan, Iraq and the permanent representative to the United Nations.

"I will never send our finest into battle unless necessary, and I mean absolutely necessary, and will only do so if we have a plan for victory with a capital V," Trump emphasized.

Trump opened his speech vowing to "shake the rust off America's foreign policy" and said he would outline a vision for a U.S. foreign policy "that replaces randomness with purpose, ideology with strategy and chaos with peace."

The billionaire then tore into Obama's foreign policy, panning the Iran nuclear deal and claiming the President has "weakened our military by weakening our economy."

He sought to wrap Clinton in his criticism of the Obama administration as well, referring to the "legacy of the Obama-Clinton interventions" as one of "weakness, confusion and disarray."

At the same time, he offered an olive branch of sorts to Muslim allies of the United States in rare remarks pointing to the ways in which the U.S. can have constructive relations with the Muslim world.

"We're going to be working very closely with our friends in the Muslim world, which are all at risk for violent attacks," he said.

His comments on Muslims and Middle East partners have been lightning rods throughout the campaign.

Trump had previously called for a temporary ban on Muslim foreigners entering the United States and suggested that U.S. Middle East allies need to shoulder more of the cost of American military involvement in the region.

But he added that these countries also need to acknowledge America's contributions.

"This has to be a two-way street," he said. "They must also be good to us. It's no longer one way, it's two way."

Trump also put America's allies elsewhere on notice that they, too, must start making a more tangible financial contribution. He said he would call summits in Europe and Asia to discuss "a rebalancing of commitments."

He previewed a substantial shift toward two of America's most important global rivals, China and Russia. He vowed to reverse China's "assault on America's jobs and wealth" and to use America's "economic power" over China to bring Beijing into line.

But he also pledged to fix relations with the rising Asian giant, saying that a stronger America would win more respect from its Communist leaders. But if that didn't work, Trump said he would be prepared to walk away, without offering specifics on the economic and national security consequences that would entail.

"We can both benefit or we can both go our separate ways. If need be, that's what's going to happen," he warned.

Retired Adm. Charles Kubic, a member of Trump's national security advisory committee, conceded Wednesday that many world leaders have been "shaken" by Trump's brash rhetoric and at-times radical policy positions.

"Sometimes it's hard when you believe a narrative for such a long time, and you have another narrative forced upon you. When somebody's saying, 'No, we're not going that direction,' it's very difficult to understand it," Kubic told CNN.

But Kubic said that while it might sound "harsh" at first when Trump "speaks the truth," it begins to make sense once you think about it more.

Reaction to Trump's speech from his political foes was swift and scathing.

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, who supports Clinton, described his comments as a "simplistic" mixture of slogans and contradictions.

"He just underscored the fact that he is running the most reckless and dangerous presidential campaign in modern history," Albright said on a Clinton campaign conference call.

On the same call, Democratic Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine said that the last thing the world needed was an "unpredictable" United States, saying allies needed to know they could count on Washington and adversaries needed to understand there will consequences for acting against America.

Trump's main Republican rival, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, said the speech showed that Trump "fails the presidential test" and pressured the billionaire to force any foreign policy advisers who have worked as lobbyists to declare their links to foreign governments.

But GOP Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker, who chairs the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, praised the speech.

"Today, Donald Trump delivered a very good foreign policy speech in which he laid out his vision for American engagement in the world," Corker said. "I look forward to hearing more details, but in a year where angry rhetoric has defined the presidential race on both sides of the aisle, it is my hope that candidates in both parties will begin focusing not only on the problems we face but on solutions."

And former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich tweeted that though elites would ridicule the speech, Trump had delivered a "serious" foreign policy address worth thinking and arguing about.

Trump later thanked Gingrich on Twitter for his tweets.

Though Trump noted ahead of time that he wouldn't be outlining a "doctrine," he did criticize Obama for too often telegraphing its military moves in advance, thereby tipping off enemies, a practice he pledged to end.

"We have to be unpredictable. And we have to be unpredictable starting now," he said.

And he offered a glimpse into his political purpose, saying it was time to flush out ineffective establishment foreign policy operatives, striking a similar note to his themes on domestic issues.

"We have to look to new people because many of the old people frankly don't know what they're doing, even though they may look awfully good writing in the New York Times or being watched on television."

He closed by expanding on his trademark slogan: "We must make America respected again. We must make America truly wealthy again and we must, we have to and we will make America great again," he declared. "And if we do that, perhaps this century can be the most peaceful and prosperous the world has ever ever known."

CNN's Jim Acosta and Julia Manchester contributed to this report.

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China, Russia have issues with U.S. missile defense

Story highlights

  • THAAD missile system would "pose a direct threat," Chinese foreign minister says
  • U.S., South Korea have talked about deploying system but haven't announced anything
  • It's intended to protect South Korea, U.S. forces from North Korean missiles, U.S. says

"Both sides consider this move far exceeding relevant country's actual defense needs," Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said at a joint press conference Friday in Beijing with his Russian counterpart, Sergey Lavrov.

The United States and South Korea have been discussing the deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense system, or THAAD, a truck-mounted platform designed to counter short-range and medium-range ballistic missiles.

U.S. officials have said it would focus only on North Korean threats, but China has expressed concern the system could be used against its launchers.

"Once deployed, the system would pose a direct threat to the strategic security of China and Russia," Wang said Friday. "At the same time, this move would not help resolve the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula but would only add fuel to (the) fire in the already-tense situation there and harm the region's strategic balance."

In February, Yoo Jeh-seung, the head of defense planning for South Korea's Defense Ministry, said his country would speak with U.S. officials about placing the system after North Korea claimed to have launched a satellite into orbit -- a move some analysts saw as cover for testing of a ballistic missile system that could potentially carry nuclear warheads.
That launch was followed closely on the heels of what North Korea claimed was the test of a powerful hydrogen bomb. More recently, the secretive nation has attempted missile launches that South Korea, the United States and others see as provocative.
This week, North Korea attempted to launch two midrange missiles. Both tests are believed to have failed, a South Korean Defense Ministry official said.

Earlier this month, U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter told the Council on Foreign Affairs that he is certain the THAAD deployment will go forward.

"It's going to happen," Carter said. "It's a necessary thing."

Despite the remarks, no deployment has been announced.

China has been outspoken in opposing deployment of the system, which U.S. officials have said would be focused exclusively on North Korea as part of a "layered missile defense" for South Korea and U.S. troops stationed there.

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USS Stennis denied entry to Hong Kong port

U.S. aircraft carriers

U.S. aircraft carrier classesU.S. Secretary of Defense Ash Carter (left) and Philippine Secretary of National Defense Voltaire Gazmin shake hands on a Marine Corps V-22 Osprey as they depart the the aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74) after touring the aircraft carrier as it sailed in the South China Sea on April 15, 2016. The Pentagon announced on Friday that China has denied the Stennis a port call in Hong Kong. Click through the gallery to see other Navy carriers.

U.S. aircraft carriers

Shipbuilders in Newport News, Virginia, prepare to flood a dry dock, on November 9, 2013, to float what will be the USS Gerald R. Ford, the first ship in the U.S. Navy's newest class of aircraft carriers.

U.S. aircraft carriers

A photo illustration of the U.S. Navy's Gerald R. Ford-class aircraft carrier USS John F. Kennedy (CVN-79). The ship's keel laying ceremony was celebrated Saturday, August 22, 2015, in Newport News, Virginia. The ship is expected to replace the USS Nimitz (CVN-68), scheduled for inactivation in 2025, in the Navy fleet. The newest Kennedy will be the second carrier of that name. The first John F. Kennedy (CVA-67) was the last conventionally powered carrier. It was decommissioned in 2007.

U.S. aircraft carriers

Sailors test the countermeasure washdown system on the flight deck of the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69) during sea trials prior to returning to its homeport at Naval Station Norfolk in late August 2015.

U.S. aircraft carriers

The aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75) passes under the Friendship Bridge while transiting the Suez Canal on Dec. 14, 2015. The ship is conducting operations in the Persian Gulf, where Iran claims to have taken footage of the carrier using a drone. Click through the gallery for more images of U.S. Navy aircraft carriers.

U.S. aircraft carriers

Aviation Structural Mechanic Airman V. Sek, assigned to the "Jolly Rogers" of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 103, applies a Christmas decal to an F/A-18F Super Hornet in the hangar bay of the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman in December 2015.

U.S. aircraft carriers

Sailors aboard the U.S. Navy's only forward-deployed aircraft carrier, the Nimitz-class USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76), man the rails while participating in the South Korean Navy's Fleet Review on October 23 in Busan.

U.S. aircraft carriers

Sailors spell out #USA with the American flag on the flight deck of the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt in the Persian Gulf in late June 2015. When the Roosevelt leaves the Gulf sometime in October, the U.S. Navy will be without a carrier in the important region for two months.

U.S. aircraft carriers

Three Nimitz-class aircraft carriers USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70), top, USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76), center, and USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74) are pierside at Naval Air Station North Island near San Diego on June 12, 2015. The Vinson has just recently returned from a 10-month deployment. The Reagan is preparing for a move to Japan later this year and the Stennis was making a port call after steaming from its homeport of Bremerton, Washington.

U.S. aircraft carriers

The aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt departs Naval Station Norfolk, Virginia, on Wednesday, March 11, for a scheduled deployment. The Nimitz-class carrier's departure was delayed for two days after marine growth clogged sea water intakes. Divers went into the 36-degree water to clean out the intakes and allow the ship to get under way. The cold water created a fog that made it seem the ship was in a cloud.

U.S. aircraft carriers

A rainbow forms over the bow of the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis as the ship steams in the Pacific Ocean on February 3, 2015.

U.S. aircraft carriers

The USS Abraham Lincoln, a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier, is seen near the coast of Indonesia in 2005. The carrier recently received a new anchor from the decommissioned USS Enterprise.

U.S. aircraft carriers

Lightning strikes over the flight deck of the USS John C. Stennis, another Nimitz-class aircraft carrier, as the ship moves through the Persian Gulf in 2007. All of the Navy's 10 active aircraft carriers are from the Nimitz class, which started in 1975 with the commission of the USS Nimitz.

U.S. aircraft carriers

The USS Ranger (CV-61) arrives at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, in 1993. The Forrestal-class carrier, which featured in the movie "Top Gun," is to be scrapped this year.

U.S. aircraft carriers

In this photo released by the U.S. Navy, a tugboat works alongside the decommissioned aircraft carrier USS Saratoga on Thursday, August 21, in Newport, Rhode Island. The Navy has paid a Texas recycling company a penny to dispose of the Saratoga, part of the Forrestal-class of "supercarrier" vessels built for the Atomic Age. The carrier was decommissioned 20 years ago.

U.S. aircraft carriers

Aircrew members are lifted from the flight deck of the USS John F. Kennedy during an exercise in 2002. The ship, which was decommissioned in 2007, was the only member of its class.

U.S. aircraft carriers

An F/A-18 Hornet launches from the USS Enterprise in 2007. The Enterprise, the world's first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, was decommissioned in 2012. Like the John F. Kennedy, it was the only ship built in its class.

U.S. aircraft carriers

The Kitty Hawk class was named for the USS Kitty Hawk, seen here departing Yokosuka, Japan, in 2008. At that time, the Kitty Hawk was the oldest carrier in the U.S. Navy and the only conventional-power aircraft carrier still in commission. It was decommissioned in 2009.

U.S. aircraft carriers

The USS Independence, a member of the Forrestal class that preceded the Kitty Hawk class, heads up the East River in New York in 1959.

U.S. aircraft carriers

Helicopters sit on the flight deck of the USS Saipan during the mid-1950s. The ship was one of two members of the Saipan class.

U.S. aircraft carriers

The USS Midway, namesake of the Midway class of aircraft carriers, floats off the coast of North Vietnam in 1972. It was named after the Battle of Midway, when U.S. forces held back a Japanese attempt to take the Pacific atoll in 1942.

U.S. aircraft carriers

The USS Princeton, part of the Independence class, moves off the coast of Seattle in 1944.

U.S. aircraft carriers

The Essex-class USS Franklin burns after being hit by a Japanese dive bomber in 1945. The ship was named after Benjamin Franklin and nicknamed "Big Ben."

U.S. aircraft carriers

The USS Wasp burns in the Coral Sea after being struck by three torpedoes from a Japanese submarine in 1942. The ship, the only one of its class, would ultimately sink because of the damage.

U.S. aircraft carriers

B-25 bombers sit on the deck of the USS Hornet in the Pacific Ocean in 1942. The Hornet, one of three carriers in the Yorktown class, was the ship that launched the bombers flown by Air Force Lt. Col. James Doolittle and his pilots during an air raid in Tokyo four months after the attack on Pearl Harbor. It also was involved in the Battle of Midway.

U.S. aircraft carriers

Navy personnel work on board the USS Ranger circa 1942. The Ranger was the first ship to be designed and built specifically as an aircraft carrier. It was the only ship in its class.

U.S. aircraft carriers

There have actually been two aircraft carriers named after the Revolutionary War's Battle of Saratoga. The first USS Saratoga, seen here moving toward San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge in 1945, was one of two members of the Lexington class of aircraft carriers.

U.S. aircraft carriers

The USS Langley, the Navy's first aircraft carrier and sole member of its class, steams off the coast of Baltimore in 1924.

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Lowongan Kerja Indonesia Power

PT Indonesia Power adalah PT Pembangkitan Tenaga Listrik Jawa-Bali I (PLN PJB I), yang didirikan pada tanggal 3 Oktober 1995 sebagai anak perusahaan PT PLN (Persero) badan usaha milik negara (BUMN), yang waktu itu baru saja berubah statusnya dari Perum menjadi Persero. PJB I berubah nama menjadi PT Indonesia Power.

Indonesia Power mengelola 8 Unit Bisnis Pembangkitan : Priok, Suralaya, Saguling, Kamojang, Mrica, Semarang, Perak-Grati dan Bali.

PT Indonesia Power anak perusahaan, yang menjalankan usaha komersial pada bidang pembangkitan tenaga listrik. Saat ini Indonesia Power merupakan perusahaan pembangkitan listrik dengan daya terbesar di Indonesia.

Saat ini PT Indonesia Power (IP) salah satu Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang ketenagalistrikan nasional membuka lowongan kerja untuk tenaga berbakat yang ulet, mau bekerja keras, memiliki motivasi tinggi, punya integritas, dan memiliki kemandirian dengan posisi dan latar belakang pendidikan sebagai berikut :

Kesempatan untuk JENJANG D3 :

  • DME (Teknik Mesin)
  • DEL (Teknik Listrik)
  • DIC (Teknik Kontrol Instrumen)
  • DCE (Teknik Kimia)
  • DCV (Teknik Sipil)
  • DAD (Administrasi)
Persyaratan :
  • Minimal lulusan D3 (Harus memiliki Ijazah setingkat D3 / Surat Keterangan Lulus Jenjang D3 (dan tidak berlaku downgrade Ijazah) atau Mahasiswa D3 Semester Akhir yang akan LULUS maks. 31 Agustus 2016 (dibuktikan dengan Surat Rekomendasi resmi dari kampus dengan mempertimbangkan progress penyelesaian Tugas Akhir).
  • Usia maksimal kelahiran 1992 dan sesudahnya.
  • IPK Teknik > 2,75 (skala 4), IPK Non Teknik > 3,00 (skala 4).
  • Sertifikat Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris, diutamakan skor TOEFL minimal 450 / TOEIC 475 / IELTS 4 (bagi pelamar non teknik).
  • Belum menikah.
Bila anda tertarik dan terpenuhi kualifikasi diatas silakan kirim lamaran anda, melalui laman pendaftaran online http://erecruitment.indonesiapower.co.id, paling lambat 11 Mei 2016. Hanya kandidat terpilih dengan kualifikasi yang disebutkan di atas akan diberitahu untuk seleksi lebih lanjut.

Info lengkapnya : Lowongan PT. Indonesia - PLN Group ,

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Rekrutmen PT Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk

PT Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk didirikan pada tanggal 5 Juli 1968. Perusahaan ini merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pertambangan yang sebagian besar sahamnya dimiliki oleh Pemerintah Indonesia (65%) dan 35% milik publik.

Kegiatan PT Antam mencakup eksplorasi, penambangan, pengolahan serta pemasaran dari sumber daya mineral yang dimiliki. Antam memiliki konsumen jangka panjang yang loyal di Eropa dan Asia. Kegiatan ini telah dilakukan semenjak perusahaan berdiri tahun 1968.

Komoditas utama PT Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk (PT Antam) adalah bijih nikel kadar tinggi atau saprolit, bijih nikel kadar rendah atau limonit, feronikel, emas, perak dan bauksit. Jasa utama Antam adalah pengolahan dan pemurnian logam mulia serta jasa geologi.

Kesempatan berkarir di PT Antam (Persero) Tbk, saat ini sedang membuka lowongan kerja untuk tenaga berbakat yang ulet, mau bekerja kera s, memiliki motivasi tinggi, punya integritas, dan memiliki kemandirian dengan posisi dan latar belakang pendidikan sebagai berikut :

Corporate and Commercial Law Specialist
Persyaratan :

  • S1/S2 jurusan Hukum.
  • Minimal IPK 3,00 (skala 4).
  • Usia maksimal 25 tahun untuk S1 dan 30 tahun untuk S2 per 30 Juni 2016.
  • Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman minimal 2 (dua) tahun di bidang Hukum.
  • Dapat berbahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan (skor TOEIC minimal 600/TOEFL minimal 500).
  • Dapat mengoperasikan software MS Office dan program lainnya.
  • Sehat jasmani dan rohani.
  • Tidak pernah terlibat penyalahgunaan narkoba dan pelanggaran hukum lainnya.
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh Unit/Unit Bisnis/Entitas Anak PT ANTAM (Persero) Tbk.
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More info : Lowongan Kerja PT Aneka Tambang.

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PT Pos Logistik Indonesia - Rekrutmen D3, S1, S2 Staf

PT Pos Logistik Indonesia - POSLOG adalah perusahaan yang terlibat dalam bisnis industri logistik. Bisnisnya mencakup layanan transportasi dan pergudangan, pengiriman kargo, serta agen atau dealer pemeriksaan. POSLOG merupakan anak perusahaan PT Pos Indonesia (Persero). PT Pos Logistik Indonesia sebagai pengembangan dari proyek bisnis di tahun 2004 hingga menjadi Strategic Business Unit (SBU) Pos Logistik di tahun 2007.

Pada tahun 2009, proyek bisnis telah berkembang menjadi unit bisnis strategis dari PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) dan didirikan sebagai badan hukum yang terpisah pada tahun 2012. POSLOG berbasis di Jakarta dan kantor pusatnya terdaftar di Jl Lapangan Banteng Utara No 1 Jakarta 10710. pada Desember 2014, POSLOG beroperasi 14 kantor regional dan 37 unit gudang yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia.

Kesempatan berkarir di PT Pos Logistik Indonesia, saat ini membuka lowongan kerja untuk tenaga berbakat yang ulet, mau bekerja keras, memiliki motivasi tinggi, punya integritas, dan memiliki kemandirian dengan posisi dan latar belakang pendidikan sebagai berikut:

HR Development Staff
Requirements :

  • Maximum age of 27 years old.
  • Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) in Psychology, Human Resource (HR) Management.
  • Minimum GPA of 3.00.
  • Minimum 1 year of experience in the field of HR Development; Recruitment. Organizational Development, Performance Management, and Talent and People Development.
  • Strong interest and practical knowledge and practice on HR and business.
  • Strong in networking and have good interpersonal relationship.
  • Good team work with excellent interpersonal and interdependency skill.
Operation Contract Logistic Analyst
Requirements :
  • Minimum Diploma or Bachelor Degree (D3/S1) in Logistic/Transportation or equivalent.
  • Minimum 1 year of experience in the related field is required for this position, preferably as a Staff specializing in Logistic/Supply Chain or equivalent.
  • Operating knowledge of Microsoft Office.
  • Willing to be placed in Jakarta (Gd Pos Ibukota Lt 2 - Jl Lapangan Banteng Utara).
  • 2 full-time contract positions available.
Jika Anda tertarik dan memenuhi persyaratan di atas serta memiliki pengetahuan untuk melakukan peran ini, silakan mengirimkan aplikasi Anda secara online melalui laman sumber info berikut : Rekrutmen PT Pos Logistik Indonesia. Hanya kandidat terpilih akan dihubungi untuk proses seleksi selanjutnya.
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New Horizons team proposes new world to explore

Pluto on the horizon

When NASA's New Horizons spacecraft flew by Pluto in July 2015, it photographed what scientists are calling "bladed" terrain near the heart-shaped region of the dwarf planet. This 3-D image was created using two images taken about 14 minutes apart on July 14. The first image was snapped about 16,000 miles (25,000 kilometers) from Pluto and the second was taken when the spacecraft was 10,000 miles (about 17,000 kilometers) away. Break out your 3-D glasses for the best view.

Pluto on the horizon

The New Horizons team has discovered a chain of exotic mountains that are covered in methane snow on Pluto. NASA released an image of the snow-capped mountains stretching across the dark expanse of Cthulhu on March 3.

Pluto on the horizon

NASA released a photo on February 4, 2015, of what it suspects is an image of floating hills on Pluto's surface. The hills are made of water ice and are suspended above a sea of nitrogen.

Pluto on the horizon

This image made in infrared light shows water ice is abundant on Pluto's surface. The image was created using two scans of Pluto made by the New Horizons spacecraft on July 14, when the probe was about 67,000 miles (108,000 kilometers) above Pluto.

Pluto on the horizon

These photos show Pluto's variety of textures, including what NASA calls "rounded and bizarrely textured mountains." The mountains are informally called the Tartarus Dorsa. This image shows about 330 miles (530 kilometers) of Pluto's terrain. It combines blue, red and infrared images taken by the space probe's Ralph/Multispectral Visual Imaging Camera. The images were taken on July 14, during the probe's flyby. They were released on September 24.

Pluto on the horizon

The photos taken by New Horizons just before its closest approach to Pluto on July 14 are the sharpest images to date of Pluto's varied terrain. This high-resolution image reveals details of two ice mountains. The image spans 75 miles (120 kilometers) of Pluto's surface.

Pluto on the horizon

This image of the surface of Pluto was taken just 15 minutes after NASA's New Horizon spacecraft made its closest approach to the icy planet on July 14. As it looked toward the Sun, the spacecraft's camera captured more than dozen thin layers of haze in Pluto's atmosphere, at least 60 miles (100 kilometers) above the surface. The photo was downlinked to Earth on September 13.

Pluto on the horizon

This image of Pluto's icy and mountainous landscapes was taken from a distance of 11,000 miles (17,700 kilometers). "This image really makes you feel you are there, at Pluto, surveying the landscape for yourself," said New Horizons Principal Investigator Alan Stern of the Southwest Research Institute in Colorado.

Pluto on the horizon

This picture is a synthesis of new high-resolution images downlinked from New Horizons. The broad icy plains have been nicknamed Sputnik Planum. This image is from a perspective above Pluto's equatorial area. Astronomers began downlinking a data dump from the space craft over Labor Day weekend, September 5 to 7.

Pluto on the horizon

Scientists say that what looks like mountains could be huge blocks of frozen water suspended in frozen nitrogen. On the new photos, taken on July 14 and released on September 10, a pixel is 400 meters (440 yards). New Horizons' closest pass by Pluto took it about 50,000 miles from the surface.

Pluto on the horizon

Pluto's landscape has lots of variety: plains, mountains, craters and what looks like they might be dunes. The smallest details on the photos are about half a mile wide. The area with the craters is ancient, scientist say. The smooth frozen planes are relatively young.

Pluto on the horizon

Just before its closest approach to Pluto on July 14, NASA's New Horizons spacecraft snapped this photo of Charon, Pluto's largest moon. The photo was shot at a distance of 290,000 miles away. Charon's north pole region is markedly dark. This photo was released on September 10.

Pluto on the horizon

This new image of Pluto is stunning planetary scientists. It shows the small world's atmosphere, backlit by the sun. NASA says the image reveals layers of haze that are several times higher than predicted. The photo was taken by the New Horizons spacecraft seven hours after its closest approach to Pluto on July 14. New Horizons was about 1.25 million miles from Pluto at the time.

Pluto on the horizon

Images taken of Pluto's heart-shaped feature, informally named Tombaugh Regio, reveal a "vast, craterless plain that appears to be no more than 100 million years old," NASA said July 17. The frozen region "is possibly still being shaped by geologic processes." NASA's New Horizons spacecraft was launched in 2006 and traveled 3 billion miles to the dwarf planet.

Pluto on the horizon

Close-up images of a region near Pluto's equator revealed a giant surprise: a range of youthful mountains. NASA released the image on July 15.

Pluto on the horizon

Remarkable new details of Pluto's largest moon, Charon, are revealed in this image released on July 15.

Pluto on the horizon

The latest spectra analysis from New Horizons' Ralph instrument was released on July 15. It reveals an abundance of methane ice, but with striking differences from place to place across the frozen surface of Pluto.

Pluto on the horizon

NASA team members and guests count down to the spacecraft's approach to Pluto on July 14.

Pluto on the horizon

This image of Pluto was captured by New Horizons on July 13, about 16 hours before the moment of closest approach. The spacecraft was 476,000 miles from Pluto's surface.

Pluto on the horizon

The colors in this image of Pluto and Charon are exaggerated to make it easy to see their different features. (These are not the actual colors of Pluto and Charon, and the two bodies aren't really that close together in space.) This image was created on July 13, one day before New Horizons was to make its closest approach to Pluto.

Pluto on the horizon

This image of Pluto was captured by New Horizons on July 12. The spacecraft was 1.6 million miles from Pluto at the time.

Pluto on the horizon

New Horizons snapped this photo of Charon on July 12. It reveals a system of chasms larger than the Grand Canyon. The spacecraft was 1.6 million miles away when the image was taken.

Pluto on the horizon

New Horizons was about 3.7 million miles from Pluto and Charon when it took this image on July 8.

Pluto on the horizon

Do you see a heart on Pluto? This image was taken on July 7 by New Horizons when it was about 5 million miles from the planet. Look to the lower right, and you'll see a large bright area -- about 1,200 miles across -- that resembles a heart.

Pluto on the horizon

New Horizons took six black-and-white photos of Pluto and Charon between June 23 and 29. The images were combined with color data from another instrument on the space probe to create the images above. The spacecraft was 15 million miles away when it started the sequence and 11 million miles when the last photo was taken.

Pluto on the horizon

Pluto is shown here along with Charon in images taken on June 25 and 27. The image on the right shows a series of evenly spaced dark spots near Pluto's equator. Scientists hope to solve the puzzle as New Horizons gets closer to Pluto.

Pluto on the horizon

New Horizons took a series of 13 images of Charon circling Pluto over the span of 6½ days in April. As the images were being taken, the spacecraft moved from about 69 million miles from Pluto to 64 million miles.

Pluto on the horizon

Look carefully at the images above: They mark the first time New Horizons has photographed Pluto's smallest and faintest moons, Kerberos and Styx. The images were taken from April 25 to May 1.

Pluto on the horizon

New Horizons used its color imager to capture this image of Pluto and Charon on April 9. This was the first color image taken by a spacecraft approaching Pluto and Charon, according to NASA. The spacecraft was about 71 million miles away from Pluto when the photo was taken.

Pluto on the horizon

In August 2014, New Horizons crossed the orbit of Neptune, the last planet it would pass on its journey to Pluto. New Horizons took this photo of Neptune and its large moon Triton when it was about 2.45 billion miles from the planet -- more than 26 times the distance between the Earth and our sun.

Pluto on the horizon

New Horizons captured this image of Jupiter and its volcanic moon Io in early 2007.

Pluto on the horizon

On its way to Pluto, New Horizons snapped these photos of Jupiter's four large "Galilean" moons. From left is Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto.

Pluto on the horizon

A white arrow points to Pluto in this photo taken in September 2006 from New Horizons. The spacecraft was still about 2.6 billion miles from Pluto.

Pluto on the horizon

Pluto was discovered in 1930 but was only a speck of light in the best telescopes on Earth until February 2010, when NASA released this photo. It was created by combining several images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope -- each only a few pixels wide -- through a technique called dithering. NASA says it took four years and 20 computers operating continuously to create the image.

Pluto on the horizon

This was one of the best views we had of Pluto and its moon Charon before the New Horizons mission. The image was taken by the European Space Agency's Faint Object Camera on the Hubble Space Telescope on February 21, 1994.

Pluto on the horizon

A Hubble Space Telescope image of Pluto and its moons. Charon is the largest moon close to Pluto. The other four bright dots are smaller moons discovered in 2005, 2011 and 2012: Nix, Hydra, Kerberos and Styx.

Pluto on the horizon

New Horizons launched from Florida's Kennedy Space Center on January 19, 2006. The probe, about the size of a piano, weighed nearly 1,054 pounds at launch. It has seven instruments on board to take images and sample Pluto's atmosphere. After it completes its five-month study of Pluto, the spacecraft will keep going deeper into the Kuiper Belt.

SourceDownload Lagu Terbaru

Are we finally, really going to Mars?

And what if you want to go up into space yourself? When do those space tourism flights start booking?

NASA says yes -- it is going deep into space to visit Mars. It's building a new spaceship and a powerful rocket to help land people on Mars by the 2030s.

And if you want to make a space trip yourself -- not to Mars, but maybe a suborbital or low-Earth orbit flight -- there soon may be lots of options.

Wait. What's a suborbital flight? How high is low-Earth orbit? How deep is deep space?

OK, let's take a moment to review a little space lingo:

-- Suborbital: According to NASA, this region of space is between 62 miles (100 kilometers) and 85 miles (137 km) above Earth. If you took this type of flight, you wouldn't ever go into orbit. This is the slice of space where many space tourism companies plan to operate.
-- Low-Earth orbit: If you're spaceship takes you up between 85 miles (137 km) and 2,000 miles (3,219 km) in altitude and then goes into orbit around the Earth, you are in a low-Earth orbit, according to NASA. This is where the space station and many scientific satellites orbit.
-- Deep space: NASA defines deep space as anything beyond the orbit of the moon, which is more than 300,000 miles (482,803 km) from Earth.

Mission to Mars

Deep space has special challenges for humans, but NASA still plans to go.

"Yes, NASA is on a journey to send humans to Mars! Our robotic scientific explorers are already there paving the way," said Jim Free, a deputy associate administrator in NASA's Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate, told CNN Digital in an email interview.

Mars is about 140 million miles (225 million km) away. It will take at least nine months to get there and a round trip could take up to three years.

This means NASA needs lots of new equipment. The agency is building a powerful rocket called the Space Launch System (SLS) that will carry its new Orion spacecraft into deep space.
The SLS is expected to be ready for Orion's next big test flight in 2018. (The first test flight used a United Launch Alliance Delta IV Heavy rocket). And SLS will launch Orion on its first crewed test flight in 2013.
Orion looks like the old Apollo command modules -- the ones that brought the astronauts back to Earth after the missions to the moon in the late '60s and early '70s. But it's bigger. Orion has 316 cubic feet of habitable space compared with 210 cubic feet for Apollo. And it's much different inside.
It has room for up to six crew members on short flights, Mark Geyer, deputy director of NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, told CNN's Rachel Crane. (Only three astronauts could fit in Apollo.) And it will be able to carry four people on longer flights of about 21 days. The seats would be put down after liftoff to make more room, Geyer said.
There's even a toilet. That may sound basic, but it's a huge improvement over Apollo's "waste management system." Even with a powerful rocket and a new spaceship, Mars still is a nine month trip. Surely NASA doesn't plan to keep four people locked up inside Orion for that long!

"No, no, no, no," Geyer said. "You'd drive yourselves crazy."

OK. So what gives? How does the crew get a roomier ride to Mars? And where will they live when they get there?

NASA's still working on that. Orion "will need to be augmented by in-space and on-Mars habitation modules, as well as a Mars lander," Free told CNN.
Obviously a big mission like the journey to Mars has its critics. The Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel, which was established by Congress in 1968 to make recommendations to NASA on safety, chided the agency for not having enough detail in its "detailed outline" for the journey to Mars.
Even NASA legend Kris Kraft has spoken out against the SLS. In 2013, Kraft, the first U.S. human space mission flight director, told the Houston Chronicle that SLS is too expensive.

"When they actually start to develop it, the budget is going to go haywire," he said.

Kraft added that he expects technical issues to drive up costs as the rocket is being developed. "Then there are the operating costs of that beast, which will eat NASA alive if they get there," he said.

But NASA Administrator Charles Bolden insists the mission is happening and repeatedly mentioned the mission in his annual State of NASA address in February.

"Because we are closer today than ever before in human history to sending American astronauts to the Red Planet ... the state of our NASA is strong," Bolden said.

Space tourism

OK, it will be more than a decade before the Mars mission happens, and NASA still has lots of work to do.

What if you want to take your own spaceflight?

Would you pay $35m to live like a cosmonaut for 10 days?
If you have lots of money, you can book a flight right now on a Russian Soyuz rocket for a stay in low-Earth orbit on the International Space Station. The first space tourist, Dennis Tito, flew a Soyuz to the space station on April 28, 2001. He reportedly spent $20 million to spend six days on the station.
A company called Space Adventures is still booking flights on the Soyuz and is the only company actually sending private citizens to space. Today's cost? About $35 million.
There could eventually be more options for space tourists. Several private companies are planning to offer suborbital and orbital flights. Here are a few:
Virgin Galactic unveils new spaceship
Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic unveiled a new space plane in February. The company won't be taking up passengers though until the plane has had extensive testing. Eventually, it will take tourists about 62 miles (100 km) above the ground, earning them their astronaut wings.
SpaceX has used its Dragon spacecraft to deliver several loads of cargo to the space station. The company has a contract with NASA to send astronauts to the space station but says its ultimate goal is enable people to live on other planets.
Boeing also has a contract to send astronauts to the space station in the future on its CST-100. And the company says it's working with Bigelow Aerospace and Space Adventures "to advance space tourism." Bigelow is testing inflatable space habitats and plans to put a hotel in low-Earth orbit.
Blue Origin is planning to offer suborbital flights, or what it calls the "astronaut experience." Passengers would go about 62 miles (100 km) above the ground.
China presses ahead with space ambitions

The United States isn't the only country looking to put more people into space. China plans to send a second space lab into low-Earth orbit and hopes to have a full space station operational by 2020.

So within a few decades, we may have several ways to get way up above Earth. And, if NASA's plan stays on track, we may even have people in deep space on Mars.

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Weasel knocks out CERN's particle accelerator

Exploring the universe at CERN

The Large Hadron Collider is located at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, near Geneva, Switzerland. This is CERN's Globe of Science and Innovation, which hosts a small museum about particle physics inside. The ATLAS experiment is housed underground nearby.

Exploring the universe at CERN

The Higgs boson, the elusive particle that scientists had hoped to find for decades, was detected by two general-purpose experiments at the Large Hadron Collider, as scientists announced in 2012. The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment, pictured, is one of them.

Exploring the universe at CERN

The ATLAS experiment, seen here in 2011, also detected the Higgs boson, a particle that helps explain why matter has mass. It has been called the "God particle" because of a book by that title, but scientists hate the name.

Exploring the universe at CERN

Much of three stories of electronics at CMS are involved in making split-second decisions about what data to keep and what to discard. This is one of those areas.

Exploring the universe at CERN

A technician works on the CMS experiment. Technicians are adding new cooling lines for CMS for a system that will be put in place in two or three years.

Exploring the universe at CERN

CMS is adding this layer for the next run of particle collisions to improve the detection of muons, which are fundamental particles.

Exploring the universe at CERN

Physicists work in the CMS control room.

Exploring the universe at CERN

The nearly 14,000 tons of machinery can all collapse together, or separate, when high-pressure air is pumped in. This is one of the pads to help slide it all around.

Exploring the universe at CERN

CMS has 76,000 lead-tungstate crystals that shatter electrons and photons, allowing scientists to observe particles such as the Higgs boson that exist for only an instant. Some of those crystals are in the endcap.

Exploring the universe at CERN

Evaldas Juska, an engineer, is working on computers involved with CMS.

Exploring the universe at CERN

CMS was constructed at ground level, then pieces of it were lowered through this hole in the cavern.

Exploring the universe at CERN

This is the CERN Computing Center. Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web at CERN.

Exploring the universe at CERN

One of the world's first web servers, a NeXT computer from 1991, is seen at CERN. The handwritten note indicates, "This machine is a server. DO NOT POWER DOWN!" On the right is an old Ethernet cable, which can handle only 10 Mb/second, and was largely replaced by the mid-'90s.

Exploring the universe at CERN

While they take their work seriously, that doesn't mean the scientists at CERN don't have a sense of humor. Here we see CERN's "Animal Shelter for Computer Mice," where used and unwanted computer mice have a place to call home.

Exploring the universe at CERN

A sculpture garden featuring artwork made from pieces of old experiments decorates the grounds at CERN.

Exploring the universe at CERN

A collection of empty relics from the celebrations of different milestones of the CMS experiment.

Exploring the universe at CERN

"Don't feed the physicists" marks a box of coins where CMS scientists deposit change to pay for coffee.

Exploring the universe at CERN

Joe Incandela, the spokesperson for CMS, says that about 4,000 scientists work there.

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Four 911 calls to Prince's home

Prince: The artist

Prince performs in New York in 1980. Prince won seven Grammy Awards, and earned 30 nominations. Five of his singles topped the charts and 14 other songs hit the Top 10.

Prince: The artist

He performs at the Palladium in New York in 1981.

Prince: The artist

Prince at the Lyceum in London in 1981.

Prince: The artist

Prince and Apollonia Kotero in a scene from the movie "Purple Rain," which was released in 1984.

Prince: The artist

Prince, seen here on set, won an Oscar for the original song score for the classic film.

Prince: The artist

Prince performs in New York in 1984. Controversy followed the singer and that, in part, made his fans adore him more. His 1984 song, "Darling Nikki," details a one-night stand and prompted the formation of the Parents Music Resource Center. Led by Al Gore's then-wife, Tipper Gore, the group encouraged record companies to place advisory labels on albums with explicit lyrics.

Prince: The artist

Prince performs at the Joe Louis Arena in Detroit in 1984.

Prince: The artist

Prince performs live at the Fabulous Forum in 1985, in Inglewood, California.

Prince: The artist

Prince in 1985.

Prince: The artist

Prince, circa 1985.

Prince: The artist

Prince performs live at the 1985 Fabulous Forum in Inglewood, California. He created what became known as the Minneapolis sound, which was a funky blend of pop, synth and new wave.

Prince: The artist

Prince in the United Kingdom in the 1980s.

Prince: The artist

Prince, circa 1985.

Prince: The artist

Prince in a scene from the 1986 film "Under the Cherry Moon."

Prince: The artist

Prince performs in London in 1986.

Prince: The artist

Prince performs in London in 1986.

Prince: The artist

Prince performs at London's Wembley Arena in 1986.

Prince: The artist

Prince in 1987.

Prince: The artist

Prince performs at Wembley Arena in London in 1988.

Prince: The artist

The singer's predilection for lavishly kinky story-songs earned him the nickname "His Royal Badness." He is also known as the "Purple One" because of his colorful fashions. He is seen here in 1990.

Prince: The artist

Prince performs in 1990.

Prince: The artist

Prince, 1990.

Prince: The artist

Prince performs during "The Nude Tour" in Birmingham, United Kingdom, in 1990.

Prince: The artist

Prince listens to the crowd during a 1991 concert.

Prince: The artist

Prince performs at the MTV Video Music Awards in Los Angeles in 1991.

Prince: The artist

Prince performs at the Globe Arena in Stockholm in 1993.

Prince: The artist

Prince arrives at the Ritz Hotel in Paris in 1994.

Prince: The artist

A disguised Prince appears at a Virgin Records in London in 1995.

Prince: The artist

As dozens of singers perform "We Are The World" on the 10th anniversary of the African famine relief anthem, the artist formerly known as Prince stands sucking on a lollipop next to Quincy Jones at the American Music Awards in Los Angeles in 1995.

Prince: The artist

Prince poses for a photo in Toronto in 1996.

Prince: The artist

Muhammad Ali pats Prince's head prior to a news conference where they were to announce plans for a benefit concert in 1997.

Prince: The artist

Prince performs in 1998.

Prince: The artist

A disguised Prince speaks at GQ magazine's third annual Men of the Year Awards in 1998.

Prince: The artist

Prince, circa 1999.

Prince: The artist

Prince performs in Hong Kong on October 17, 2003. Prince's concert was the the opening act in a four-week government-sponsored music festival titled "Hong Kong Harbor Fest," aimed at boosting the image of SARS-battered Hong Kong.

Prince: The artist

Prince arrives with his then-wife, Manuela Testolini, for the 77th Academy Awards on February 27, 2005, in Los Angeles.

Prince: The artist

Prince at the 2005 NAACP Image Awards in Los Angeles.

Prince: The artist

Prince performs during a news conference for Super Bowl XLI in 2007.

Prince: The artist

He left his imprint on many aspects of popular culture, from film to movies to sports to politics. As the Minnesota Vikings prepped to take on the New Orleans Saints in the 2010 NFC championship game, Prince wrote a fight song entitled "Purple and Gold" to inspire his home team. The Vikings lost. He was the half-time performer at the Super Bowl in 2007 in Miami Gardens, Florida, seen here.

Prince: The artist

Prince performs onstage during the 2007 NCLR ALMA Awards.

Prince: The artist

Prince performs on the runway at the spring/summer 2008 collection fashion show by Matthew Williamson during London Fashion Week in September 2007.

Prince: The artist

Prince performs during his Welcome 2 America tour at Madison Square Garden in 2011 in New York.

Prince: The artist

American pop legend Prince is pictured performing on the final night of the Hop Farm Music Festival in Kent, United Kingdom, in 2011.

Prince: The artist

Prince performing at the Femoren on August 6, 2011, in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Prince: The artist

Prince on stage with singer Mary J. Blige during the 2012 iHeartRadio Music Festival in Las Vegas.

Prince: The artist

Prince presents the winner for Record of the Year to Gotye and Kimbra during the 55th Grammy Awards in 2013.

Prince: The artist

A year later, Prince performs during the 2013 Billboard Music Awards in Las Vegas.

Prince: The artist

Prince performs at the 2013 Skanderborg Festival in Denmark.

Prince: The artist

Prince is seen in the stands during the 2014 French Open in Paris.

Prince: The artist

Left to right: Zooey Deschanel, Prince, and Jake Johnson in a scene from the TV show "New Girl" which aired in 2014.

Prince: The artist

Prince speaks at the 2015 Grammy Awards in Los Angeles. Additionally, last year, Prince released the song "Baltimore," addressing the unrest after the death of Freddie Gray while in police custody. He performed at a benefit concert in the city and gave a portion of the proceeds to youth groups in Baltimore.

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