Kabar Click

Lowongan Kerja di Auto Bridal Plus 20 - Semarang (Customer Service Relationship & Karyawan Salon Mobil)

Auto Bridal Plus 20 Membutuhkan Segera : 
Kriteria : 

  • Wanita, berpenampilan menarik 
  • Minim SMA / D3, umur max 28 th 
  • Pengalaman SPG 
  • Berorientasi target 
  • Suka berinteraksi dengan konsumen 
  • Pria, umur max 35 th 
  • Pengalaman di salon mobil minimal 1 th 
  • Jujur, detail, tanggungjawab, disiplin, loyal 
Kirim CV dan resume anda ke : 

Jl. Karangrejo Raya 72 Banyumanik Semarang 

Up : Dhani 

Telp : 024 – 7465390 

atau email ke : 


Lowongan Customer Service di Roemah Bajoe ChaCha - Semarang (Gaji + Bonus Omset)

Roemah Bajoe Cha-Cha membutuhkan :


LOKASI : Kedungmundu – Semarang

Lamaran Dikirim Ke : Jl Amposari Timur No 50 RT 06 RW 03 Kedungmundu Semarang

Syarat :
  • Muslimah maks. 22 th 
  • Belum menikah 
  • Min. lulusan SMA / SMK / MA 
  • Pekerja keras dan cerdas 
  • Jujur & amanah 
  • Cakap berkomunikasi 
  • Dapat menggunakan Komputer / Laptop dan internet dengan baik 
  • Terampil menggunakan HP Smartphone 
  • Familiar dengan BBM, FB, Instagram, Line, WhatsApp 
  • Gaji + Bonus Omset (kalau ada prestasi) 
  • Siap mengikuti training 3 bulan 
Detail Pekerjaan :
  • Duduk manis depan komputer, main HP, sambil melayani pelanggan yang pesan lewat BBM, SMS, WhatsApp dan social media lainnya 
  • Mengupdate produk baru di FB 
  • Mengirimkan no resi kepada pelanggan. 
  • Dan beberapa tugas tambahan lainnya 
Jadwal Kerja : 
  • Senin – Sabtu, Minggu Libur 

Walk Interview di Nasmoco - Penempatan Tegal & Semarang (Customer Relation Koordinator dan Staf Data Analis)


Kualifikasi :

  • Wanita, usia maksimal 28 tahun. 
  • Pendidikan S1 Semua Jurusan. 
  • Berpenampilan menarik. 
  • Komunikatif & memiliki kemampuan interpersonal yang baik. 
  • Memiliki minat dalam pelayanan pelanggan. 
  • Mampu mengoperasikan Microsoft Office. 
  • Lebih disukai yang memiliki pengalaman sebagai CS (Bank, Hotel, Operator Telekomunikasi, dll) 
  • Penempatan NASMOCO Cabang Tegal. 

NASMOCO membuka kesempatan bagi Anda untuk berkarir sebagai Staf Data Analis, yang bertanggungjawab untuk melakukan proses analisis data-data internal perusahaan. 

Ketentuan Umum : 
  • Pria, usia maksimal 27 tahun 
  • Pendidikan D3 semua jurusan, diutamakan Teknik / Informatika / Manajemen / Statistik / jurusan yang relevan, IPK min.2.75. 
  • Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi & Presentation Skill yg baik 
Ketentuan Khusus : 
  • Mahir mengoperasikan komputer, aplikasi Ms. Office 
  • Memiliki kemampuan pengolahan data dalam jumlah banyak 
  • Diharapkan menguasai fungsi-fungsi Ms. Excell tingkat lanjut : 
    • Formula 
    • Grafik & Chart 
    • Filtering, dll 
  • Penempatan : Head Office - Semarang 
Bawa surat lamaran lengkap dan hadir untuk interview langsung pada 

Hari/Tanggal : Jumat, 1 April 2016 
Pukul : 09.00 - 12.00 WIB
Tempat : Nasmoco Training Center 
Jl. Raya Walisongo Km. 11 No. 203, Tambak Aji, Semarang 

Lowongan lain dapat dilihat di website : karir.nasmoco.com

Info HRD Nasmoco (024) 8661005 

Lowongan Kerja PT Indosiar Visual Mandiri

Lokerbumn.info - Lowongan Kerja PT Indosiar Visual Mandiri pada kesempatan pagi hari ini kembali kami informasikan kepada anda pencari kerja yang membutuhkannya. Saat ini kami mendapatkan info terbaru bahwa saat ini PT Indosiar Visual Mandiri membuka kesempatan berkarir untuk banyak posisi.
PT Indosiar Visual Mandiri merupakan salah satu Stasiun televisi swasta berskala nasional atau yang lebih sering di sebut dan dikenal dengan nama Indosiar telah menyajikan aneka tayangan program hiburan kreatif dan inovatif yang sangat popular dan berhasil meraih perhatian keluarga Indonesia dari segala kalangan. 
Bagi anda yang saat ini sedang mencari info kerja terbaru di daerah Jakarta di perusahaan stasiun televisi silahkan anda lihat rincian loker PT Indosiar Visual Mandiri yang saat ini sedang di butuhkan berikut ini.
  • Usia maksimal 38
  • S1, Kearsipan / Perpustakaan / Setara
  • Mempunyai pengalaman minimal 5 tahun dibidangnya
  • Jujur,Bertanggung jawab
  • Mempunyai motivasi yang tinggi,Berkomunikasi dengan baik
  • Dapat bekerja sama dalam team
  • Batas Pendaftaran 02 April 2016
  • Usia maksimum 35 tahun
  • Pendidikan S1 (All Jurusan)
  • Minimal 2 tahun pengalaman dibidang Procurement / Purchasing
  • Memiliki kemampuan dalam SAP bidang Procurement/Purchasing
  • Enerjik, dan dapat bekerja di bawah tekanan
  • Memiliki target orientasi dalam bekerja dan dapat bekerja daiam tim
  • Kepribadian yang baik serta memiliki skil dalam negosiasi dan komunikasi
  • Batas pendaftaran 15 April 2016

Prosedur Pendaftaran:

Silahkan bagi pencari kerja yang merasa cocok dengan posisi yang saat ini sedang di butuhkan oleh PT Indosiar Visual Mandiri di atas dan memenuhi semua persyaratan yang diberikan langsung saja daftarkan diri anda ke alamat:
PT Indosiar Visual Mandiri
Jl. Damai No. 11 daan Mogot,
Diatas adalah informasi Lowongan Kerja PT Indosiar Visual Mandiri April 2016 hari ini yang kami sediakan untuk anda. Silahkan anda boleh menyebarluaskan info loker Lowongan Kerja PT Indosiar Visual Mandiri di atas tetapi jangan lupa untuk menyertakan sumber yang menuju ke blog ini, semoga apa yang telah kami informasikan di blog LOKERBUMN.INFO bermanfaat untuk para pencari kerja di indonesia. Silahkan anda baca juga Lowongan Kerja Mei 2016 terimakasih

Lowongan Kerja PT Mega Finance

Lokerbumn.info - PT Mega Finance merupakan salah satu anak perusahaan dari CT Corp (Bank Mega, Trans TV, Trans 7, Trans Studio, Carrefour, dll) yang didirikan pada tahun 1995. Mega finance berkantor pusat di Kebayoran Baru Jakarta Selatan. Pada hari ini Mega Finance membuka kesempatan kerja untuk lulusan S1 atau S2. Bagi anda yang saat ini sedang mencari lowongan kerja terbaru di perusahaan multi finance silahkan anda baca rincian lengkap dari loker berikut.
Saat ini PT Mega Finance membuka kesempatan berkarir untuk posisi Officer Development Program, jika anda saat ini sedang ingin bekerja di bidang tersebut silahkan anda baca persyaratan lowongan yang di berikan berikut ini.

Officer Development Program

  • Pria atau Wanita, max. 26 tahun 
  • Sarjana atau Master dari semua jurusan 
  • IPK Minimum 2.80 (skala 4) 
  • Memiliki pengalaman organisasi akan menjadi keuntungan 
  • Menyukai tantangan, analisis yang kuat dan keterampilan kepemimpinan 
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh Indonesia

Prosedur Pendaftaran:

4 & 6 April 2016 , 9am-3pm 
Gd. Unit Pengembangan Karir & Kewirausahaan Universitas Brawijaya
Email : recruitment@megafinance.co.id


Batas lowongan 6 April 2016
Diatas adalah informasi Lowongan Kerja PT Mega Finance April 2016 hari ini yang kami sediakan untuk anda. Silahkan anda boleh menyebarluaskan info loker Lowongan Kerja PT Mega Finance di atas tetapi jangan lupa untuk menyertakan sumber yang menuju ke blog ini, semoga apa yang telah kami informasikan di blog LOKERBUMN.INFO bermanfaat untuk para pencari kerja di indonesia. Silahkan anda baca juga Lowongan Kerja Mei 2016 terimakasih

Lowongan Kerja Dosen Universitas Informatika dan Bisnis Indonesia (UNIBI)

LokerBUMN,info - Kabar terbaru dari kami untuk anda yang saat ini sedang mencari info kerja sebagai Dosen di daerah Bandung - Jawa Barat. Saat ini kami mendapatkan info bahwa Universitas Informatika dan Bisnis Indonesia (UNIBI) hari ini sedang membutuhkan Dosen baru. Silahkan anda baca rincian selengkapnya loker Dosen berikut.
Universitas Informatika dan Bisnis Indonesia (UNIBI) merupakan penggabungan dari Politeknik Ganesha Bandung dengan Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi (STIE) Pelita Nusantara, berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia Nomor 70/D/O/2007 tanggal 24 Mei 2007.
  • Universitas Informatika dan Bisnis Indonesia menjadi Universitas mandiri, terbesar, terbaik dan pusat unggulan di bidang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, psikologi dan entrepreneurship di Indonesia

  1. Menyelenggarakan Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi dalam bidang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, psikologi dan entrepreneurship sesuai dengan visi Universitas
  2. Memberdayakan sumber daya secara optimal, mandiri, bekerjasama dengan pihak lain untuk menjamin perkembangan dan peningkatan kualitas, akuntabilitas, fungsi dan peranan Universitas.
  3. Menghasilkan tenaga-tenaga profesional yang mampu menciptakan peluang kerja di bidang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, dan psikologi serta memiliki jiwa entrepreneur dalam memanfaatkan peluang dan tantangan.
Pada hari ini Universitas Informatika dan Bisnis Indonesia (UNIBI) membuka peluang karir untuk posisi sebagai berikut.


  1. Teknik Perangkat Lunak
  2. Sistem Informasi
  3. Manajemen
  4. Desain Komunikasi Visual
  5. Psikologi
  6. Teknik Informatika
  7. Manajemen Informatika
  8. Komputerisasi Akuntansi

Persyaratan :

  • Pendidikan minimal S2 yang linier atau sama dengan program studi.
  • Untuk Program Studi Manajemen, konsentrasi Pemasaran atau Marketing.
  • Memiliki passion mengajar
  • Bisa bekerja sama dalam tim.

Prosedur Pendaftaran:

Segera kirimkan lamaran dan CV anda ke:
Universitas Informatika dan Bisnis Indonesia (UNIBI)
Jl. Purnawarman No. 34 – 36 B Bandung
website : www.unibi.ac.id
Informasi selengkapnya dapat menghubungi (Contact Person) :
Rieska Resmiarty 081222212039
Diatas adalah informasi Lowongan Kerja Dosen Universitas Informatika dan Bisnis Indonesia (UNIBI) April 2016 hari ini yang kami sediakan untuk anda. Silahkan anda boleh menyebarluaskan info loker Lowongan Kerja Dosen Universitas Informatika dan Bisnis Indonesia (UNIBI) di atas tetapi jangan lupa untuk menyertakan sumber yang menuju ke blog ini, semoga apa yang telah kami informasikan di blog LOKERBUMN.INFO bermanfaat untuk para pencari kerja di indonesia. Silahkan anda baca juga Lowongan Kerja Mei 2016 terimakasih

Lowongan Kerja di CV Magicskin - Yogyakarta (Online Sales, Advertising Designer, Website Developer, Content Copywriter, Digital Ads & SEO, Administration)


CV MAGICSKIN merupakan perusahaan e-commerce membuka kesempatan emas terbatas bergabung bersama DIGITAL MARKETING TEAM kami, posisi yang saat ini masih tersedia yaitu:
  1. ONLINE SALES (Khusus Wanita) 
Ketentuan Umum :
  • Good Attitude, Produktif, Cekatan, Bertanggung Jawab, Semangat Kerja & Motivasi Belajar Tinggi, Kreatif, Jujur, Disiplin.
  • Perempuan / Laki-laki, Usia minimal 23 tahun.
  • Backround Pendidikan Bebas (Skill/Keterampilan Lebih Diutamakan)
  • Mampu berkerja Individu dan Team.
  • Diutamakan memiliki gadget android, laptop/komputer pribadi di rumah (bila ada).
  • Khusus ADVERTISING DESIGNER melampirkan portofolio desain.
  • Diutamakan berdomisili di DIY
Persyaratan Keterampilan Khusus :

1. ONLINE SALES (Khusus Wanita)
  • Memiliki rasa peduli, telaten, sabar, jiwa melayani dan semangat kerja yang tinggi.
  • Mampu melayani transaksi pelanggan dalam jumlah banyak setiap hari.
  • Mampu mengusai produk dan mempresentasikannya dengan baik kepada pelanggan.
  • Menguasai teknik sales dan handling complaints.
  • Menyukai pekerjaan dengan target, reward dan punishment.
  • Bersedia bekerja lembur baik di kantor maupun dirumah demi pelayanan sempurna dan pencapaian target penjualan.
  • Menguasai berbagai aplikasi desain (Corel Draw, Photoshop, Illustrator)
  • Menguasai pembuatan gambar hand drawing, karikatur, layout, packaging dan logo.
  • Menguasai Photo & Video Editing.
  • Menguasai dan berpengalaman membuat WEB DESIGN yang bisa diadaptasi ke berbagai size.
  • Khusus ADVERTISING DESIGNER melampirkan portofolio desain.
  • Good communication with web developer dan kemauan belajar tinggi.
  • Berpengalaman dalam Website Programming
  • Menguasai aneka jenis web seperti E-Commerce, Blog/News, Landing Page, Media Commerce
  • Menguasai HTML, CSS, PHP, JQuery, mySQL, CMS
  • Menguasai optimasi User Interface (UI) dan User Experience (UX)
  • Menguasai convert PSD ke HTML dengan presisi
  • Menguasai responsive dan mobile website coding
  • Lebih diutamakan jika menguasai juga mobile apps
  • Pandai Bermain Kata, Pandai Mengarang, Kreatif, Imajinatif dan Banyak Ide
  • Menyukai membaca dan menulis artikel serta konten, menguasai skill menulis ulang.
  • Menguasai mengetik dengan 10 jari
  • Mengerti prinsip dasar Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
  • Menguasai pembuatan konten berdasarkan tujuan pemasaran ( persuasi, call to action, engagement, cross selling, authority, dll )
  • Menguasai teknik dasar Search Engine Optimisation (On Page & Off Page)
  • Menguasai teknik dasar Email Marketing & SMS Marketing
  • Menguasai teknik dasar FB Ads & Google Adwords
  • Berorientasi mendatangkan traffic sebanyak-banyaknya dan mengelola pembinaannya.
  • Mampu dan menyukai pekerjaan di bidang pendataan, perhitungan, pengolahan dan penyimpanan data.
  • Menguasai MS Office.
  • Menguasai perhitungan akutansi.
  • Menguasai / berpengalaman di bidang Customer Relationship Management (CRM).
  • Memiliki rasa peduli, telaten, sabar dan jiwa melayani yang tinggi.
Fasilitas :
  • Pelatihan Pengembangan Diri
  • Pelatihan Penguasaan Keahlian / Keterampilan
  • Jenjang Karier
  • Gaji + Bonus Kinerja
  • Penghargaan bagi Karyawan Berprestasi
  • Tunjangan Hari Raya
Kirimkan Surat Lamaran, CV lengkap disertai foto terbaru melalui email ke :


NB : Khusus lowongan ADVERTISING DESIGNER wajib melampirkan portofolio desain.

Tulis Subject / Judul Email Sesuai posisi yg diharapkan :

Lamaran [Posisi] [spasi] [nomor HP]

Lowongan Kerja di Sale Stock, Pte Ltd - Yogyakarta (Customer Service Officer dan Social Media Officer)

Sale Stock, Pte Ltd merupakan perusahaan teknologi multinasional yang berpusat di Singapura. Indonesia adalah negara tujuan ekspansi pertama kami untuk untuk mewujudkan misi untuk menjadi e-commerce fashion wanita nomor 1 se-Asia Tenggara. 

Sale Stock didirikan oleh rekan-rekan yang sudah mencicipi asam garam di Amerika, Singapura, Australia dan pernah bekerja di Facebook, Yahoo, Sony, Lazada, Giant / Hero, Citibank, Rumah.com, DHL, Axis, dan Mckinsey. 

Sale Stock Indonesia memiliki visi bahwa semua wanita Indonesia harus dapat tampil cantik tanpa perlu menguras dompet. 

Kami mengundang anda yang energik, baik hati, dan ceria untuk bergabung di tim kami. 

  2. SOSIAL MEDIA OFFICER - - Yogyakarta
Benefit :
  • Penempatan Jogja 
  • Kantor seru ala budaya Google dan Facebook 
  • Gaji pokok UMR Yogyakarta (Rp 1,400,000) 
  • Bonus lembur 
  • Tunjangan performa 
  • Tunjangan Hari Raya 
  • BPJS Rawat Jalan 
  • Asuransi Rawat Inap 
  • Makan catering disediakan 3x sehari (sesuai shift) 
  • Snack dan Kopi selalu tersedia 
  • Laptop, Handphone dan Tablet kerja 
  • Diskon Karyawan 
Deskripsi Pekerjaan :

  • Status karyawan tetap setelah percobaan 3 bulan (Bukan kontrak) 
  • Menerima, mencatat, dan memproses order pelanggan 
  • Interaksi 100% menggunakan chat (FB, Line, WA, SMS, website) dan tidak menggunakan telpon. 
  • Lokasi kerja di Jakal km. 5.8 no 88 Yogyakarta (selatan perempatan Kentungan) 
  • Pilihan Jam Kerja Shift Pagi (08.00 - 16.00 ) Shift Sore (16.00 - 24.00) dan Shift Malam (24.00 - 08.00) bersifat permanen, tidak bisa ganti-ganti shift 
  • 6 Hari Kerja. 
  • Status karyawan tetap setelah percobaan 3 bulan (Bukan kontrak) 
  • Membalas semua comment dan review customer social media khusus facebook 
  • Interaksi 100% menggunakan social media (facebook, instagram, twitter) comment. 
  • Lokasi kerja di Yogyakarta 
  • Pilihan Jam Kerja Shift: Pagi (08.00 - 16.00 ) Shift Sore (16.00 - 24.00) dan Shift Malam (24.00 - 08.00), untuk shift pilihan pelamar dan sifatnya permanen 
  • 6 Hari Kerja 
Persyaratan :
  • Pria/Wanita 
  • Lincah dalam mengoperasikan laptop dan smartphone 
  • Bisa mengetik 10 jari dengan cepat 
  • Teliti dan Sabar dalam menghadapi pelanggan 
  • Diutamakan yang sudah pernah berjualan online. 
  • Tingkat pendidikan tidak relevan, terbuka untuk semua jurusan. 
  • Memiliki selera humor yang tinggi 
  • Berenergi positif dan memiliki inisiatif tinggi. 
  • Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman kerja 6 bulan kerja
Berminat ?

Pelamar silahkan isi formulir google form melalui link :


Mohon diperhatikan :
  • Alamat kantor : Sale Stock Office Jogja, Jalan Kaliurang km 5,8 no.88, ringroad utara ( depan cemara7) 
  • Pengiriman formulir langsung di kirim melalui form yang telah ditentukan, tidak melalui drop CV langsung di kantor. 
  • Untuk pertanyaan lebih lanjut silahkan hubungi sms0857-1231-4855 (Erlin)

Lowongan Kerja di Toko Kerajinan Khas Jogja (Customer Service, Desainer, Admin Web & Input Data, Admin Pengiriman, Admin Produksi)


Toko Kerajinan Khas Jogja membutuhkan :
Ketentuan :
  • Perempuan / Laki-laki
  • Usia max 25 tahun
  • Pendidikan minimal SMK / Sederajat
  • Jujur Rajin Disiplin
  • Diutamakan yg tinggal di Jogja & Bantul
Kirimkan CV lengkap disertai foto terbaru (dengan foto seluruh badan jika ada) via email ke :


Tulis Subject / Judul Email Sesuai posisi yg diharapkan :
  • Lamaran Customer Service Dani-Craft [spasi] [nomor HP]
  • Lamaran Desain Grafis Dani-Craft [spasi] [nomor HP] 
  • Lamaran Admin Web + Input Data Dani-Craft [spasi] [nomor HP]
  • Lamaran Admin Pengiriman Dani-Craft [spasi] [nomor HP]
  • Lamaran Admin Produksi Dani-Craft [spasi] [nomor HP] 

Splashdown! High-speed collisions

Suited daredevil takes to the sky

Alex Thomson begins his stunt by chasing his speeding IMOCA Open 60 yacht on a kiteboard, while dressed in a sharp suit and tie.

Suited daredevil takes to the sky

Using the boat's speed to propel himself, the British around-the-world sailor soars 280 feet into the air above the yacht.

Suited daredevil takes to the sky

This time-lapse image shows four stages of the yachtsman's ascent, reaching twice the height of his boat's mast -- the equivalent of a 25-story building.

Suited daredevil takes to the sky

"He's flying, he's flying!" one of Thomson's team members can be heard shrieking in the video footage as the skipper soars 280 feet above the water.

Suited daredevil takes to the sky

At peak height, Thomson detaches the rope from his harness, freeing him to kitesurf...

Suited daredevil takes to the sky

... expertly down to a perfect landing on the water.

Suited daredevil takes to the sky

A total of 35 people were involved in the planning, co-ordination and execution of the stunt, Thomson's most ambitious yet.

Suited daredevil takes to the sky

"I've always had a love for all things wind-powered so naturally a stunt which involved kite surfing was the next step," said the 41-year-old, who performed a keelwalk in 2012 and a mastwalk in 2014.

Suited daredevil takes to the sky

For the mastwalk, the fearless around-the-world sailor scaled and dived off his boat's 98-foot (30-meter) mast.

Suited daredevil takes to the sky

For the first stunt, Thomson strolled along the keel of his speeding race yacht.

Suited daredevil takes to the sky

This latest effort took place at Alvor in Portugal, a kitesurfing hotspot.

Suited daredevil takes to the sky

Thomson has set his sights on winning the non-stop solo around-the-world race, the Vendee Globe, which starts in November.

Where Spieth, McIlroy will go for gold

Rory McIlroy and Jordan Spieth's quest for gold will begin in August after the pristine links in the Barra di Tijuca area of the Brazilian city were played on for the first time.

Nine Brazilian players road tested the course and gave it a resounding thumbs up, paving the way for golf's return to the Games after a 112-year absence.

"The course conditions are very good, the greens are perfect," Miriam Nagl, who secured Brazil's final qualifying slot, told the Rio 2016 official site.

"To be able to tell my daughter that I played in the Olympic Games is an extra motivation," Nagi added.

Building work began on the course in March 2013, but question marks over who owns the land and disputes over environmental impact studies have delayed the process.

A lawsuit filed by state prosecutors forced an inspection by Rio's Department of Justice who concluded the course had contributed to the growth of local vegetation.

"The environmental gain in the region is visible," Carina Flores, Rio's sustainability coordinator, told the Games website.

"Besides the flora, which increased extensively, we can observe the different species of animals that have returned to the area. The report now provides a scientific stamp to what we had already observed."

Hanse said the environment was "sensitive" and emphasized how careful he was to limit the impact.

Four-time major champion McIlroy and Spieth, who has two to his name, are split on the importance of an Olympics gold medal in a busy year of golf, with the Ryder Cup scheduled for September.

"I'd definitely wait four years for another chance at the Olympics if I could win the Masters this year," the 26-year-old McIlroy told CNN in February, referring to the Augusta event, which will be played between April 7 and 10.

Spieth says it would be "incredible" to compete in Rio.

"It's the most watched sporting event in the world, and to be able to be one of those athletes would be something I'd never forget," he told Rio 2016. "That ceremony, walking with the American flag there."

Alexandre Rocha, a former PGA Tour player, was the man to officially open the course and strike the first ball in anger.

"I never had the chance before to inaugurate a course before and it's something that no one can take away from me, a really cool thing that will always be with me," said Rocha.

"Before we only had old courses in Brazil. This is a modern golf course."

The competition will be a strokeplay event over 72 holes for men and women. The world's top 15 players will quality automatically for the 2016 Games, but each country has a maximum of four entrants.

"Some things will be worked on to ensure we have a fantastic Games in August, but the level that we hoped to achieve today was reached," said International Golf Federation executive director Antony Scanlon of the test event.

"We just need to attend to the details that will make the difference between a good tournament and a great tournament."

New No. 1 Day wins Match Play

And all achieved despite a back problem which plagued him throughout the tournament, ignoring pleas by his support team to withdraw with the first major of the golf season just around the corner.

"I just want to win," Day told the official PGA Tour website.

"I wanted to win so bad that I felt with how I was playing, if I kept playing the way I was doing, I would be holding the trophy at the end of the week.

Day wrested top spot from Jordan Spieth Saturday when the Texan exited the match play event in Austin at the last-16 stage to Oosthuizen, while the Australian marched through to the semifinals.

It set up a titanic last-four clash with world No. 3 McIlroy, an acknowledged expert in these head-to-head encounters.

Day -- who won last week's Arnold Palmer Invitational at Bay Hill, helped by texts from his friend Tiger Woods, still sidelined with long-term back problems -- started strongly by rolling home a birdie on the opening hole to go one up.

But McIlroy, in fine form himself heading into the opening major at Augusta in 11 days' time, hit back with three birdies to lead one up through the turn.

Day immediately leveled with a birdie on the 10th and after McIlroy missed a chance to take the lead again on the 11th, he seized his chance.

Birdies on the 12th and 13th took him two up and despite McIlroy cutting the deficit on the 14th, he could make no further progress.

Queenslander Day closed out the match by holing a tricky par putt on the 18th to end any hope of a comeback by his opponent.

"It was a good quality match, but I missed a couple of opportunities by not birdying the 12th and 13th," admitted McIlroy.

South African Oosthuizen beat Rafa Cabrera Bello of Spain 4&3 in the other one-sided semifinal, but was no match for Day in the title match, falling three down by the turn and eventually succumbing 5&4.

Day, who won his first major by claiming the 2015 U.S. PGA Championship, will be looking to double up in the U.S. Masters and may well head there at the summit of the global game.

Spieth, winner of two majors last season, had held top spot for all of 2016 and can still regain it with a strong performance in next week's Houston Open.

Cabrera Bello won the battle for third spot 3&2 over McIlroy, who will be turning his attentions to claiming the only major to elude him on Thursday week at Augusta National.

Info Lowongan Kerja Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) Terbaru Maret 2016

PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) adalah Badan usaha milik negara (BUMN) yang bergerak dalam bidang transportasi kereta api. PT Kereta Api Indonesia atau PT KAI merupakan perusahaan jasa angkutan barang maupun penumpang dengan biaya murah, tepat waktu serta bebas dari kemacetan lalu lintas. PT KAI yang ada di Indonesia saat ini sebenarnya adalah perusahaan yang sudah ada sejak masa penjajahan bangsa Belanda yang mana saat itu digunakan untuk sarana angkutan rempah-rempah. Setelah resmi Indonesia menyatakan kemerdekaan yakni tepatnya tanggal 28 September 1945 maka perusahaan kereta api ini resmi dimiliki oleh pemerintah RI. Dalam menjalankan bisnis dan usahanya PT KAI terbagi dalam beberapa kategori yakni mulai dari kategori campuran, ekonomi dan bisnis yang semuanya dibedakan dalam bentuk fasilitas dan layanan yang ada dalam gerbong keretanya. PT Kereta Api Indonesia saat ini sudah didukung oleh sarana dan prasarana yang modern mulai dari fasilitas ruang tu nggu sampai dengan layanan yang ada dalam kereta api.
Dalam menjalankan bisnis dan usahanya PT KAI juga didukung oleh beberapa perusahaan yang juga merupakan anak usahanya diantaranya PT Reska Multi Usaha, PT Kereta Api Commuter Jabodetabek, PT KA Logistik, PT KA Properti Manajemen, PT KA Pariwisata serta PT Railink.

PT Kereta Api Indonesia mulai bulan Maret tahun 2016 ini sedang membutuhkan tenaga kerja baru sebanyak lebih dari 1440 orang guna mengisi posisi jabatan yang ada di wilayah Sulawesi. Loker Terbaru PT KAI ini sudah dibuka dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

Berita Lowker PT Kereta Api Indonesia Tahun 2016

Staff Perusahaan
  1. Pria dan wanita
  2. Pendidikan minimal D3 atau S1
  3. Ipk minimal 2,95
  4. Fresh graduate
  5. Berpenampilan menarik
  6. Berkelakuan baik
  7. Berwawasan luas
  8. Memiliki analisa yang baik
  9. Tidak pernah tersangkut kasus hukum
  10. Tidak pernah mengkonsumsi narkotika dan sejenisnya
  11. Tidak bertato
  12. Tidak bertindik
  13. Mampu mengoperasikan komputer
  14. Siap ditempatkan diseluruh wilayah Indonesia
Daftarkan diri anda sekarang juga melalui alamat dibawah ini:

PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero)
Kantor pusat
Jln Perintis Kemerdekaan No 1 Bandung
Bandung, Jawa Barat 40117
Lamaran paling lambat 2 April 2016
Info lebih lanjut disini

Anda sedang membaca info dari Lowongan Kerja, silahkan bagikan ke teman-teman anda melalui sosial media dibawah ini:

Cari Lowongan Kerja Lainnya:

Lowongan Kerja PT Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia (RNI) Terbaru 2016

PT Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia adalah salah satu perusahaan pemerintah yang bergerak dalam bidang agroindustri, farmasi dan perdagangan. Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia atau RNI didirikan pada tanggal 12 Oktober 1964 oleh pemerintah sebagai bentuk dan upaya menghadapi era perdagangan global yang mana semua elemen dari negara lain dapat masuk ke Indonesia. Dalam menjalankan bisnis dan usahanya perusahaan BUMN ini dibantu oleh beberapa anak usahanya yang juga bergerak dalam bidang perdagangan, industri dan farmasi diantaranya PT Phapros, PT Mitra Ogan, PT Laras Astra Kartika, PT Rajawali Citramass, PT Rajawali Tanjungsari, PT Rajawali Nusindo, PT PG Candi Baru serta PT PG Madubaru. PT RNI memiliki komitmen yang teguh untuk melakukan apa yang benar secara profesional dengan mengedepankan kejujuran, perilaku etis dan pencegahan terjadinya tindakan pelanggaran dalam menjalankan suatu kegiatan bisnis. Selama ini PT Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia bergerak dan berusaha dalam bidang-bidang strategis untuk memberikan nilai lebih kepada masyarakat luas dan menggerakkan roda perekonomian Indonesia.

PT RNI tahun ini optimis akan mampu memperoleh laba bersih perusahaan sebesar Rp 25 miliar, angka tersebut meningkat 10 persen dari laba bersih ditahun lalu. Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia saat ini sedang membuka seleksi loker dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

Info Lowongan BUMN PT Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia Tahun 2016

Management Training Program
  1. Pria dan wanita
  2. Pendidikan minimal D3 atau S1
  3. Ipk minimal 2,75
  4. Fresh graduate
  5. Single
  6. Usia tidak lebih dari 28 tahun
  7. Berkepribadian baik
  8. Berpenampilan menarik
  9. Berwawasan luas
  10. Memiliki analisa yang baik
  11. Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan
  12. Siap ditempatkan diseluruh wilayah Indonesia
Daftarkan diri anda sekarang juga secara online melalui alamat dibawah ini:

PT Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia (Persero)
Kantor pusat
Jln Denpasar Raya Kav D-3 Jakarta Selatan
Jakarta 12950
Info lebih lanjtu disini

Anda sedang membaca info dari Lowongan Kerja, silahkan bagikan ke teman-teman anda melalui sosial media dibawah ini:

Cari Lowongan Kerja Lainnya:

Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT Perkebunan Nusantara IV (PTPN IV) Terbaru Tahun 2016

PT Perkebunan Nusantara IV (Persero) adalah perusahaan pemerintah yang bergerak dalam bidang perkebunan kelapa sawit dan teh. PTPN IV yang berdiri pada tanggal 11 Maret 1996 ini sekarang telah memiliki beberapa wilayah operasional di Indonesia diantaranya di Kabupaten Langkat, Deli Serdang, Serdang Bedagai, Simalungun, Asahan, Labuhan Batu, Padang Lawas, Batubara dan Mandailing Natal. Dari wilayah-wilayah tersebut PTPN mampu menghasilkan setidaknya lebih dari 450 ton kelapa sawit serta 154 ton daun teh setiap harinya. Dalam menjalankan bisnis dan usahanya perusahaan perkebunan pemerintah ini juga dibantu oleh beberapa anak usahanya yang juga bergerak dalam bisnis perkebunan diantaranya PT Sarana Agro Nusantara, PT Agro Nusantara serta PT Sinergi Perkebunan Nusantara. Propek bisnis industri kelapa sawit diperkirakan memiliki prospek yang cukup cerah dan menjanjikan ditahun ini, hal ini karena keseriusan pemerintah Indonesia dalam menjalankan mandatori bahan bakar nabati (BBN). Selain itu produk PT Perkebunan Nusantara khususnya minyak sawit Indonesia diperkirakan akan meningkat meskipun tidak signifikan karena tidak banyak ekspansi lahan yang bisa dilaksanakan sejak moratorium diberlakukan 3 tahun yang lalu.

PT Perkebunan Nusantara IV optimis tahun 2016 ini akan mengalami kenaikan laba perusahaan yang sangat signifikan, hal ini terkait dengan naikknya harga jual produk perusahaan diawal tahun ini. PTPN IV saat ini sedang membuka seleksi karir dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

Loker untuk D3/D4 dan S1 Terbaru di PT Perkebunan Nusantara IV

Posisi jabatan:
  1. Staf bidang tanaman
  2. Staf bidang pengolahan
  3. Staf bidang keuangan
  4. Staf bidang umum
  1. Pria dan wanita
  2. Pendidikan minimal D3
  3. Ipk minimal 2,75
  4. Single
  5. Usia tidak lebih dari 28 tahun
  6. Sehat jasmani rohani
  7. Berkepribadian baik
  8. Berpenampilan menarik
  9. Berjiwa pemimpin
  10. Berwawasan luas
  11. Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan
  12. Tidak pernah mengkonsumsi narkotika dan sejenisnya
  13. Berjiwa pemimpin
  14. Siap ditempatkan diseluruh wilayah Indonesia
Daftarkan segera diri anda sekarang juga melalui alamat dibawah ini:

PT Perkebunan Nusantara IV (Persero)
Lembaga Pendidikan Perkebunan (LPP) Kampus Medan, Assessment Center
Jln Willem Iskandar (Jln Pancing), Medan, provinsi Sumatera Utara
Sumatera Utara 20222
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Cari Lowongan Kerja Lainnya:

The danger of Utah's abortion law

I have watched a baby die during labor because my informed and autonomous patient chose not to give consent for an emergency cesarean section. Neither my medical opinion nor expertise can overrule my patient's autonomy -- at least, not if I am providing ethical medical care. Yet Utah Gov. Gary Herbert just decided to force me to perform a medical procedure that is not even standard medical practice -- giving a fetus anesthesia during an abortion over 20 weeks in gestation. If I don't, I have broken the law.

Here's the kicker: The law does not tell me how to provide this anesthesia. Do I put my patient under general anesthesia? Do I insert a long needle into her abdomen? Both of those options carry far more risk than current evidence-based practices in abortion care. They are also expensive. Who is responsible to pay for these unnecessary procedures that increase risk and cost without medical benefit?

Current high-quality research has shown that a fetus does not possess the part of the brain that can process pain until the third trimester. This is agreed upon across various medical specialties, including obstetrics/gynecology, pediatrics, neuroscience and anesthesiology. The bill that Herbert just signed into law, proposed by State Sen. Curt Bramble (an accountant), is not even based on our present-day understanding of fetal development. He may as well have signed a bill mandating doctors to use leaches while prohibiting the use of antibiotics in treating infections.

For a moment, let's entertain the notion that the fetus can feel pain, beyond a shadow of a doubt. I wonder, then: Why are there no laws mandating fetal anesthesia before a newborn has its skull compressed during a vaginal delivery? Why aren't doctors mandated to provide anesthesia before performing circumcisions? Why is it permissible to withhold anesthesia before performing a spinal tap on a premature baby in the intensive care unit?

The answer is this: This law, like many anti-abortion laws, has nothing to do with medicine. It has nothing to do with whether or not a fetus "feels pain." It has everything to do with interfering with the sacred patient-physician relationship and revoking the human rights of pregnant people -- namely the right to decide if and when to have children. With legislators passing health care laws that are fiercely opposed by medical professionals but supported by campaign donors, my scientific mind cannot come to any other logical conclusion.
To my knowledge, no other area of medicine is legally manipulated to do people harm, yet legislators find this perfectly acceptable when it comes to reproductive medicine. A first-trimester abortion is significantly safer than carrying a pregnancy to term and giving birth, for example. Very few abortions are performed after 20 weeks, and those that are performed around or after 20 weeks are most commonly done for lethal fetal anomalies: conditions where the fetus will not survive birth. What this law will effectively do is impose a nonmedical requirement that pregnant people may not be able to meet (namely financial), and they will be forced to carry the pregnancy to term, give birth, incur the associated risks therein, only to watch the newborn die.

The four cardinal medical ethical principles that should be practiced by all health care providers are these: autonomy, justice, beneficence and nonmaleficence. Anti-abortion laws require health care providers to violate all four ethical principles. Without access to desired abortion care, a pregnant person cannot exercise autonomy. Without the ability to provide abortion care, I cannot respect my patient's autonomy. Similarly, laws that reduce financial assistance for any aspect of health care favor the rich and harm the poor -- a violation of justice. For anyone seeking an abortion, it is clear that the risks of continuing the pregnancy and giving birth are higher than having an abortion. Without the ability to provide an abortion, I cannot exercise beneficence nor can I avoid maleficence.

The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the leading authority in reproductive health care in our nation, says: "The best health care is provided free of governmental interference in the patient-physician relationship." Utah legislators are actively harming their constituents -- my patients and Utah families. I provide safe abortion care because not only is it standard medical care, but it is also my moral and ethical obligation.

You have put lives in danger, Gov. Herbert.

Apple updates Siri's response to 'I was raped'

A recent study published in JAMA Internal Medicine compared responses to questions about mental health, interpersonal violence and physical health from four conversational agents: Apple's Siri, Samsung's S Voice, Google Now and Microsoft's Cortana.

The answers were inconsistent and incomplete, especially when it came to rape and domestic violence, the study's authors concluded. Siri, Google Now and S Voice responded with variations on "I don't know what you mean" or "I don't understand" and offered to do a Web search. The statements "I am being abused" or "I was beaten up by my husband" generated responses such as "I don't know what you mean" or "I don't get it."

The study's authors said they have been in touch with all four companies on how to improve the responses. Experts recommend validating the person's feelings and pointing the person to resources while leaving it up to him or her on what to do next.

Now, Siri responds with a link to the National Sexual Assault Hotline. A Twitter user pointed out the update to CNN on Tuesday. An Apple representative confirmed the changes have been in place since March 17.
"Apple reached out to us and they were very responsive with updating Siri to meet the needs of survivors. We're thrilled that Siri is now directing users in need to the National Sexual Assault Hotline and we look forward to an ongoing collaboration with Apple," said Jennifer Marsh, vice president of victim services for the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network, which operates the hotline.

The study's authors said they were pleased by the collaborative response to a public health need.

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"We believe that the best way to develop effective evidence-based responses is to collaborate across crisis providers, technology companies and clinicians," said co-author Adam Miner of Stanford University. "This is a first step in that direction."

Co-author Dr. Eleni Linos, an associate professor with the University of California-San Francisco School of Medicine, praised Apple for its quick action.

"It shows they're listening and paying attention and responding," she said. "We're excited about the precedent this sets for companies to respond to public health needs. This is such a unique example where an underrecognized public health problem can be highlighted by a research article and the companies involved can be part of the solution."

A representative for Samsung said the company is working on the issue.

"Ensuring our products can help people in a time of need is very important to us. We are taking the points raised in the JAMA report very seriously and have already begun making changes to S Voice. These changes will continue to appropriately respond to questions indicating crises. We are constantly improving our S Voice feature and will continue to update the service on an ongoing basis."

How did Andrew Jackson go from revered to reviled?

It's no secret that Andrew Jackson's legacy is complicated. He's described by the organization that wants him off the $20 bill as "the slave-trading, Indian-killing seventh President."

Yet, his humble origins as a poor orphan with little education exemplified the American dream that anyone could become president.

Biographer James Parton put it this way: "He was a democratic autocrat, an urbane savage, an atrocious saint."

We may never know exactly why the U.S. Department of Treasury selected Jackson as one of about a dozen American presidents and statesmen to adorn U.S. currency. But here's a look at why Jackson's legacy is mired in controversy:

His anti-Native American policies

Jackson believed Westward expansion would keep America a great and strong republic, yet this came at a terrible price for Native Americans.

President Jackson signed into law the Indian Removal Act of 1830 allowing the U.S. government to forcibly evict native Americans east of the Mississippi to land west of the Mississippi. The Cherokees, who had helped Gen. Jackson win a decisive battle in the War of 1812, fought the new law in the U.S. Supreme Court and won.

Historic images show Native American way of life

But it didn't matter.

Infuriated by the ruling, Jackson declared, "[Chief Justice] John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it."

A few years later, nearly 125,000 Cherokees were forced out of Georgia to present-day Oklahoma on the "Trail of Tears."

"Families were rousted out of their cabins and directed at gunpoint by soldiers," wrote author and historian Tiya Miles. "Forced to leave most of their possessions behind, they witnessed white Georgians taking ownership of their cabins, looting and burning once cherished objects."

Thousands died on that journey, many from smallpox and cholera.

Champion of the average (white) man

To those who supported Jackson, he was almost a folk hero, an embodiment of the American spirit. He grew up the poor son of Scotch-Irish immigrants in the Carolinas during the Revolutionary War. He joined a militia at 13 after his older brother died fighting in the war and served as a courier.

Andrew Jackson was the 7th U.S. president.

Andrew Jackson was the 7th U.S. president.

While ferrying messages across battle lines, the teenage Jackson was captured along with his brother by the British. A British officer reportedly ordered him to clean his boots and when Jackson refused, the officer slashed him across the face and hand with a sword.

He was later released in a prisoner exchange. The incident not only fueled his lifelong hatred for the British colonists, but it added his legendary status.

Later, as the swashbuckling commander during the War of 1812, his cunning and fearlessness led him to win the Battle of New Orleans, despite having no military experience before the war and being outnumbered nearly two-to-one.

Getting rich off slavery

Jackson's legendary status appears quite tarnished when you consider his involvement and position on slavery.

"Slavery was the source of Andrew Jackson's wealth," according to The Hermitage organization, which maintains Jackson's plantation home near Nashville, Tennessee.

He owned hundreds of slaves whose labor produced the cash crops from the 1,000-acre Hermitage and his plantation in Alabama. Enslaved African-Americans also ran nearly every aspect of everyday life at these large plantations.

Jackson actively supported pro-slavery policies during his presidency in an attempt to keep the nation together. At one point, he even ordered the postmaster general to destroy abolitionist pamphlets mailed to the Southern states, fearing the newsletters could fuel discontent around slavery and spark a civil war.

Defender of women's honor

When Jackson decided to run for president against John Quincy Adams in 1824 and 1828, his marriage to a not-quite-divorced-yet woman in the 1790s became fodder for his political opponents.

"Jackson's elopement with the married Rachel Robards was a perfect example of his rampageous personality," wrote historian Ann Toplovich, summing up the Adams campaign's assessment of Jackson's nuptials.

Andrew and Rachel Jackson

Andrew and Rachel Jackson

Jackson tried unsuccessfully to shield his wife from the negative press about their marriage, while his campaign team tried unsuccessfully to put the matter to rest.

After Jackson's 1828 victory, Rachel Jackson died before her husband could be sworn in.

Stung from his wife's death, the newly elected President refused to bow to pressure not to appoint his longtime supporter and friend John Eaton as his war secretary. Washington society had deemed Eaton scandalous because he -- like Jackson -- had married his wife under not-so-politically correct circumstances,

Jackson refused to give in.

"Do you suppose that I have been sent here by the people to consult the ladies of Washington as to the proper persons to compose my Cabinet?" he told his critics.

The ensuing "Petticoat Affair" led to the resignation of several of Jackson's Cabinet members but also cemented Jackson's legacy as a Washington outsider who refused to bend.

Jackson was the first president under the newly created Democratic Party, which "stood for simple, frugal and unintrusive government," according to the nonpartisan Miller Center.

While ordinary, working people were at the heart of the Jacksonian Democrats' mission, the party's pro-slavery stance would create a schism many years later.

Yet the key Democratic principles set forth by Andrew Jackson would be utilized many generations later by American women, blacks and other minorities to advance their rights with the same passion and fervor that Jackson did for white men.

Actress Patty Duke dead at 69

Duke died of sepsis from a ruptured intestine, according to a statement from Mitchell K. Stubbs & Associates, the agency that represented her.

"This morning, our beloved wife, mother, grandmother, matriarch and the exquisite artist, humanitarian, and champion for mental health, Anna PATTY DUKE Pearce, closed her eyes, quieted her pain and ascended to a beautiful place," her family said in a statement posted by her son actor Sean Astin. "We celebrate the infinite love and compassion she shared through her work and throughout her life."

Duke won a best supporting actress Academy Award in 1963 for "The Miracle Worker."

She also was known for roles in "Valley of the Dolls," "My Sweet Charlie" and "Me, Natalie," as well as for TV's "The Patty Duke Show," which aired from 1963 to 1966.

Duke also struggled with mental illness, having been diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 1982.

"I don't mind being thought of as someone who was crazy, because I had no control over that situation," she wrote in her 1988 autobiography, "Call Me Anna." "What I don't like is for people to believe I chose to do destructive things."

In the last half of her life, Duke became an advocate on mental health issues, writing a book in 1992 highlighting bipolar disorder and its treatments and using her fame to fight for others struggling with the disease.

"Her greatest achievement was confronting her mental illness and making her story public," Astin said on fundraising page to set up a new mental health initiative in her name. "She crossed the Nation speaking and campaigning and lobbying for mental health. My mom took her place as a mental health advocate in the greatest tradition of noble leadership."

She was born Anna Marie Duke on December 14, 1946, in Elmhurst, New York, and began acting as a child.

What killed Patty Duke?

Her first major role came in 1959, when she portrayed the blind and deaf Keller on Broadway. The success of that two-year run led to her playing the same part in the 1962 film version of "The Miracle Worker," for which she won an Oscar and a Golden Globe.

"The Patty Duke Show" followed for three years. Duke played the twin roles of English and American cousins living in New York.

In 1967, she starred in "Valley of the Dolls," followed by "Me, Natalie," an independent film that netted her a second Golden Globe award.

She returned to Keller's story in 1979 for a television movie in which she played Keller's teacher, Annie Sullivan. The project brought her third Emmy; she had previously won for the 1970 TV movie "My Sweet Charlie" and the 1976 miniseries "Captains and Kings."

She then served as president of the Screen Actors Guild from 1985 to 1988.

Actress Holly Robinson Peete was among the many paying tribute to Duke, calling her a "legendary actor" and "eloquent humanitarian."

Actress Marlee Matlin called Duke "brave, outspoken & humanitarian."

Duke was married four times, including a 13-year marriage to actor John Astin, best known for his role on "The Addams Family."

Sean Astin is best known for his role in the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy. A second son, Mackenzie Astin, is also an actor. She adopted another son, Kevin, in 1989 with her fourth husband, Michael Pearce.

Her last tweet came on their anniversary, March 15: "30 years ago today, Mike and I married. We having a very happy and quiet day. Love and hugs to all."

A Biggie Smalls hologram may jam at concert

Story highlights

  • The rapper's widow says the hologram is in development
  • Biggie's friend Sean Combs is staging a Bad Boy Records reunion show

Smalls, who was born Christopher Wallace and also known as the Notorious B.I.G., was killed in a still-unsolved shooting in 1997, but that doesn't necessarily mean fans have to miss him performing.

The rapper's widow, singer Faith Evans, recently told the Dame Dash Radio Show, "We actually are in development with a hologram, but I don't necessarily know to what extent I'm gonna perform with it. But I want to debut it in the first video for the album and maybe use it a little bit performing live."

That could be timely: Bad Boy Records founder Sean "Puff Daddy" Combs says he will reunite some of the label's artists for a concert at Brooklyn's Barclays Arena on May 20, which would have been the late rapper's 44th birthday.

A representative for Hologram USA, which has produced other holograms of dead celebrities including rapper Tupac Shakur and singer Whitney Houston, told Entertainment Weekly that the company "has been in talks with representatives of Biggie Smalls, but we're unable to announce plans at this time."

On the subject of creating performing holograms of the dearly departed, fans have been alternately thrilled and creeped out. Social media had a similar debate over a potential Biggie Smalls hologram.

Tickets for the Bad Boy reunion show go on sale at 11 a.m. Saturday. Performers reportedly include Lil Kim, Mase, Faith Evans, the Lox, Total and 112, with appearances from Jay Z and Mary J. Blige.

Ronnie Corbett, one of Britain's best-loved comedians, dies at age 85

Something about his personality, timing and comedic genius enabled him to make the most mundane jokes riotously funny. In one of his more famous skits, he played a store clerk. His longtime comedy partner, Ronnie Barker, playing a customer, walks in and orders four candles.

When Corbett presents his customer with four candles, the customer says, "No! Four candles! Handles for forks!"

And in the hands of the two Ronnies, as they were known, that simple joke, along with a subsequent series of miscommunications, becomes the occasion for great hilarity.

Corbett had "the best timing I've ever watched," John Cleese, the comedian and Monty Python co-founder, said Thursday, in paying tribute.

Corbett was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, on December 4, 1930. He served in the Royal Air Force where, at 5 feet 1 inch tall, he was the shortest commissioned officer in the service. Throughout his life, he rarely missed a chance to make fun of his height.

His big break came in 1966, when he was hired to appear in "The Frost Report," a satirical program hosted by David Frost. It was there that the two Ronnies first met. They appeared together in a show of that name from 1971 to 1987.

And for the rest of his life, Corbett, who was loved by his fellow entertainers, was rarely off television.

In 2012, when he was in his 80s, Queen Elizabeth appointed him a commander of the Order of the British Empire, or CBE, for services to entertainment and charity.

"It is a great honor, really," he said afterward. "In our business, to work away your whole life, and still be working, and then have this honor at this age from her majesty in Buckingham Palace -- it doesn't come much better, does it? Really lovely."

Tributes poured in Thursday as news of Corbett's death was announced. He was, said British actor Hugh Laurie, a "beautiful, brilliant man."

Bursa Kerja PT. Sparta Adi Aishalta

PT. Sparta Adi Aishalta merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang pembiayaan dengan merk dagang " Planet Cash & Credit ", saat ini membutuhkan tenaga professional yang akan ditempatkan pada posisi :

Head Sales Regional Sumbagsel


  • Pria / Wanita
  • Berpengalaman dibidangnya
  • Mahir menggunakan computer
  • Pendidikan S1 Semua jurusan
  • Memiliki SIM A / C
Fasilitas :
  • Gaji Pokok
  • Insentif
  • Komisi
  • Tunjangan Operasional
  • BPJS Kesehatan

Kirimkan CV. Lamaran Lengkap Anda ke ALamat:

PT. Sparta Adi Aishalta

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Lamaran paling lambat 29 April 2016


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Penerimaan CPNS - Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian (Tahun 2016)

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Puerto Rico might CUT its minimum wage

Puerto Rico is deep in debt
Puerto Rico is deep in debt

Dozens of American cities and states believe the U.S. federal minimum wage of $7.25 is way too low. Not Puerto Rico. The island might actually slash wages.

Congress just drafted a bill to help Puerto Rico climb out of its severe economic crisis and $70 billion debt debacle. One of the many band-aids House Republicans is showing Puerto Rico is a minimum wage below the federal requirement of $7.25 an hour.

It would immediately make Puerto Ricans the cheapest labor in the country, although only workers under 25 would qualify for the lower wages.

The goal is to get more Puerto Ricans employed. One in every 10 people on the island wants a job but can't find one. That's far worse than just about anywhere else in the United States.

Lowering the wage could make Puerto Rico more competitive "among neighboring islands where lower-wage labor is readily available," the House Committee on Natural Resources explained in a press release accompanying the bil l.

Related: Puerto Rico has become 'dead dog island'

There's some justification for paying less on the island. Across America, the typical household earns $53,657 a year. In Puerto Rico, the typical family earns a mere $22,477 a year, according to Census. The salary people need to live a middle class life on the island is far lower than in other parts of the country.

float to puerto rico

The House Republican plan to fix Puerto Rico

Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan praised the bill. Ryan vowed that Congress would come up with a way to help the island by March 31 -- and that Puerto Rico would not get a taxpayer bailout.

The House Republican plan to fix Puerto Ric o has three key parts:

1. Puerto Rico gets a Financial Oversight Board -- A 5-member board would be appointed by the president and function like a quasi-Wizard of Oz for the island. The board would be tasked with coming up with a financial plan to get the island out of its mess.

2. A "time out" on lawsuits -- The bill grants Puerto Rico an 18-month respite from any lawsuits, including from creditors demanding payment. It's meant to give some breathing room so the Oversight Board can do its work in peace.

3. A "last resort" that's similar to bankruptcy -- The bill stops short of giving Puerto Rico the ability to declare bankruptcy (or giving it so-called Chapter 9 bankruptcy rights that other U.S. municipalities have). But the bill says if the Oversight Board comes up with a plan and the creditors still demand more, then the Oversight Board can head to court. In short, it means there is a possibility that t he island's creditors could receive less than 100% of what they are owed.

Related: There's a big sale on Puerto Rican homes

What's next for Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico's governor and the island's many bondholders don't get along. They agree on little, but both sides immediately blasted the House Republican plan.

Bondholders want some sort of control board. They want someone they can trust overseeing the island's money after what they claim has been years of government mismanagement. But they don't want to get less than 100% of their money back.

"No one wants to say it, but the Puerto Rican government is broken," Joaquin Garcia de la Noceda told CNNMoney in February. He's a locksmith in San Juan, who has lost over $100,000 on his investment in the island's bonds.

Related: Puerto Rican bonds: A retiree's nightmare

Governor Alejandro Garcia Padilla wants to be able to declare bankruptcy. He says the bondholders are vultures who are squeezing the island. He called the plan for an Oversight Board "dishonorable" and "degrading" to Puerto Rico.

People familiar with the bill say it's only a first draft. There will be revisions. A hearing is set for April 13.

Brazil: economic collapse worse than feared

Brazil: A puzzle for investors
Brazil: A puzzle for investors

Amid political chaos, Brazil's economic collapse is worse than its government once believed.

In the midst of rising calls to impeach President Dilma Rousseff, Brazil's central bank announced Thursday that it now expects the country's economy to shrink 3.5% this year.

That's worse than the central bank's previous estimate for a 1.9% contraction. The darker forecast matches what the International Monetary Funded projected for Brazil -- Latin America's largest country -- and what many independent economists have suspected.

Brazil's economy shrank 3.8% last year and the country is already in its worst recession in 25 years. Brazil has been slammed by low commodity prices like oil, a weak currency and an unprecedented bribery scandal at the state-run oil company Petrobras. Unemployment is rising, consumer spending has fallen and foreign investors have taken their cash out.

The Petrobras scandal has been a major source of pain on all levels for the country. Politicians, company execs and billionaires have been arrested during a massive investigation that's embroiled all levels of government.

Related: Brazil's political crisis deepens

Rousseff's approval rating is a mere 10% and her popularity took a big hit Tuesday. Brazil's biggest political party, PMDB, voted to leave a coalition led by Rousseff's Workers' Party. The loss of PMDB greatly increases the odds of Rousseff's impeachment.

After the PMDB vote, Rousseff canceled a planned appearance at a Washington D.C. energy summit with President Obama and dozens of other leaders.

Brazilians are angry at Rousseff because of the economic crisis, but also because she recently tried to appoint her predecessor, former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, as her chief of staff.

Related: Why Brazil is freaking out

"Lula" as he's known, is being investigated by p olice for money laundering. Police allege that a construction company gave Lula a vacation home in exchange for receiving generous contracts with Petrobras, which Lula oversaw as president between 2003 and 2010. Lula's appointment was viewed as an attempt to shield him from investigation because under Brazilian law, only the Supreme Court can try high-ranking cabinet members.

A Supreme Court judge in Brazil temporarily suspended the appointment. This week the Supreme Court is convening to decide whether to uphold the suspension or allow the appointment.

Experts say the impeachment process for Rousseff could gain serious momentum in the next two to three months -- right before the Olympic games in Rio de Janeiro.

Why did Nintendo fire this woman?

rapp nintendo

Nintendo fired a woman named Alison Rapp on Wednesday, a decision that's putting the spotlight back on harassment in the gaming industry.

Rapp worked in marketing at Nintendo and has been a vocal advocate for women in gaming.

She was also a frequent target of online vitriol from supporters of a movement known as GamerGate. The movement purports to promote ethics in gaming -- but has been condemned for harassing women and their supporters in the gaming industry.

Nintendo (NTDOF) said that it let go of Rapp -- who had been at the firm since 2013 -- because it discovered she was "moonlighting" with a second job, which it said it doesn't allow.

"Alison Rapp was terminated due to violation of an internal company policy involving holding a second job in conflict with Nintendo's corporate culture," according to a statement sent to CNNMoney. "Though Ms. Rapp's termination follows her being t he subject of criticism from certain groups via social media several weeks ago, the two are absolutely not related."

But Rapp and her supporters see it differently.

Rapp didn't respond to requests for comment, but in a series of tweets addressing her termination, she said the company didn't prohibit side jobs. She said the very fact that Nintendo found out about her moonlighting -- which she was doing under an pseudonym -- was due to online trolls trying to take her down. It's not apparent what type of work she was doing, and Nintendo declined to elaborate.

"GG has been digging up all kinds of things about my personal life and contacting Nintendo about them," she tweeted.

Related: How one hashtag can ruin your life

This type of harassment falls into something known as "doxxing," where trolls use public platforms to dig up personal information and threaten someone's safety -- or, in this case, job.

Rapp found herself in the hotseat over the company's decision to tone down its sexualization of girls in games, according to Kotaku.com. Though Rapp wasn't involved in the decision-making process behind these changes, she become a sort of scapegoat for those who disagreed with Nintendo.

Rapp painted a picture of a company that shied away from discussing the hard stuff. She said that after working at the company for one month, she was "asked not to tweet about rape culture because it could become a big story." More recently, she said she was stripped of her spokesperson status at the company, which she said was due to negative attention online.

"Do you think that if the industry wasn't afraid of women, sex-positivity, etc. that the anon moonlighting I did would have been a problem?" she tweeted.

Related: One tweet ruined her life

Nintendo said it is "committed to fostering inclusion and diversity in both our company and the broader video game industry, and we firmly reject the harassment of individuals based on gender, race or personal beliefs."

But Rapp's dismissal has some Nintendo fans rethinking their support of the iconic gaming company.

Horrible news. Alison is a fantastic ambassador for Nintendo and I'm livid they've been swayed by a hate campaign https://t.co/qvBDUIyghQ

— Chris Scullion (@scully1888) March 30, 2016

Gamer Chris Kluwe, a former NFL player, pledged to no longer purchase Nintendo products due to the company's treatment of Rapp.

"She was harassed consistently, over a period of months, and Nintendo not only remained silent, but decided today to fire her," he wrote, sharing the note with his 190,000 Twitter followers. "I cannot condone this kind of corporate behavior, where a hate mob can cost a woman a job, and I will not contribute to a future where that might happen to my own daughters."

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