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Lowongan Kerja UPT Balai Pengolahan Mineral Lampung

UPT Balai Pengolahan Mineral Lampung adalah penelitian dan pengembangan dalam bidang pengolahan mineral. Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (UPT BPML LIPI) sedang mencari kandidat sebagai:

Staff Keuangan


  • Wanita, usia maksimal 25 tahun dan belum menikah
  • Pendidikan minimal D3 (lebih disukai Jurusan Administrasi, Akuntansi). Fresh Graduate are wellcome
  • Bisa mengoperasikan komputer, minimal MS Office
  • Teliti, jujur dan bertanggung jawab
  • Memiliki kendaraan sendiri dan SIM C
  • Mengerti tentang perpajakan dan administrasi

Kirimkan CV. Lamaran Lengkap Anda ke Alamat:


Jl. Ir. Sutami KM 15 Tanjung Bintang, Lampung Selatan

(Depan Gardu Induk PLN Sutami))

Atau melalui email: bpm@mail.lipi.go.id

Lamaran diterima paling lambat tanggal 5 Februari 2016

Catatan: Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi persyaratan yang akan diproses lebih lanjut

Sumber: bpm.lipi.go.id

Lowongan Kerja ADMIN dan MARKETING - CV. Premieom Furniture

CV. Premieom Furniture adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang distribusi furniture ternama di Bandar Lampung, Kembali membutuhkan tenaga kerja profesional untuk posisi sebagai:

1. Marketing

2. Adm Gudang


  • Pria / Wanita
  • Pendidikan SLTA
  • Usia 18 - 35 Tahun
  • Dapat bekerja dalam Team atau Sendiri
  • Mampu menganalisa pasar penjualan

Kirimkan CV. Lamaran Lengkap Anda ke Alamat:

CV. Premieom Furniture 

Jl. Tirtayasa No. 168 Campang Raya Tanjung karang timur Bandar Lampung

( blok ruko pintu 8 warna coklat, 100m dari Pom bensin Tirtayasa kearah tanjung bintang )

No Telepon: 773536

E-mail: waluyowidodoo@gmail.com

Pengirim waluyo widodo

KARIR Tamtama Prajurit TNI 2016 (TERBARU)

Telah dibuka kesempatan bagi pemuda Indonesia untuk menjadi Tamtama Prajurit Karier gelombang I TNI melalui Pendidikan Sekolah Calon Tamtama Prajurit Karier. Kategori yang dibuka adalah sebagai berikut:

  1. Calon Bintara (caba)
  2. Calon Tamtama (catam)
  3. Calon Akademi Militer
  • Berusia minimal 18 tahun dan maksimal 22 tahun
  • Berkelakuan baik yang dinyatakan dengan surat keterangan dari polres setempat
  • Sehat jasmani dan rohani, bebas narkoba, serta tidak berkacamata.
  • Tidak sedang kehilangan hak menjadi prajurit
  • Tidak bertato atau memiliki bekas tato dan tindik di telinga
  • Pendidikan minimal SMP sederajat (bagi yang sudah bekerja harus melampirkan surat persetujuan dari kepala dinas atau pimpinan instansi bersangkutan dan bersedia diberhentikan dari status pegawai bila diterima menjadi tamtama PK TNI AD)
  • Belum pernah menikah dan sanggup tidak menikah selama mengikuti pendidikan atau 2 tahun
  • Tinggi badan minimal 163 cm dengan berat badan seimbang.
Note: Saat pendaftaran peserta membawa bukti online dan menyerahkan persyaratan administrasi. Seperti akta kelahiran, KTP calon dan kedua orang tua, kartu keluarga, dan ijazah SD, SMP, dan SMA/MA yang memiliki, SKCK polres setempat, surat keterangan babinsa setempat yang diketahui lurah, pas foto hitam putih terbaru ukuran 4x6 empat lembar. ''Peryaratan tersebut dibawa asli dan fotocopy-nya masing-masing satu lembar yang sudah dilegalisir.

Segera Daftarkan Diri Anda Secara Online ke website http://rekrutmen-tni.ilmci.com

Serta mendaftar ulang di Ajenrem Korem 043 Gatam ke Alamat:

Jalan Teuku Umar No.85 Penengahan, Tanjungkarang Pusat (TKP) Bandarlampung

Penerimaan ini dibuka mulai 22 Februari hingga 5 Maret 2016

Dalam penerimaan tamtama ini tidak dipungut biaya apa pun
Sumber: Radar Lampung, 01 Februari 2016

Diverse worshipers allowed at Wailing Wall

"While I know that this is a delicate issue, I think that this is a fair and creative solution," Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told reporters on Sunday.

Many Jews throughout the diaspora rejoiced.

"Today the government of Israel recognized the diversity of Judaism around the world and partnered with us to co-create a space where all can pray at Judaism's most holy site," said Rabbi Steven Wernick, CEO of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, which has been lobbying for a shared prayer space for more than two decades.

The new prayer space will be along the southern edge of the Western Wall, separated from the current Western Wall plaza prayer site where men and woman pray separately. It will take about 12 to 18 months to complete, Wernick estimates.

In 2000, Israel created an informal prayer space for egalitarian prayer separated from the Western Wall plaza. Sunday's decision will see this current site becoming a permanent location. More than 50,000 people attended prayers at the makeshift site in 2015, according to the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. In comparison, more than 3 million people visited the Western Wall plaza in 2013, according to Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics.

Rabbi Shmuel Rabinovich of the Western Wall Heritage Foundation expressed outrage at the government decision.

"Following a media campaign by a small but inflammatory group called Women of the Wall, the Wall has gone from a being a place of unity to an arena of constant scuffling. The blasphemy that this group and its supporters have perpetrated is so horrendous that it will take years to fix. We must do everything to leave this horrible affair behind us."

Women of the Wall is a feminist advocacy group working for equal prayer rights for women, including the wearing of a yarmulke and prayer shawls normally reserved for men.

The Western Wall, known as the Kotel in Hebrew, is one of the holiest sites in Judaism because it is the closest site at which Jews can pray to where they believe the Jewish Temple stood 2,000 years ago. Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox Jews oppose men and women praying together because they believe it is against Jewish law, known as halakha.

Iran honors generals for detaining U.S. sailors

Story highlights

  • Commanders of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps naval forces receive medals
  • They detained 10 U.S. sailors who accidentally strayed into Iranian waters
  • Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei praises the generals for being "brave"

Two U.S. Navy crafts carrying 10 sailors reached three miles into the waters surrounding Iran's Farsi Island in the Persian Gulf on January 12 because of mechanical problems.

The boats had drifted off course, but one was also suffering engine trouble, making it impossible for the Americans to back off rapidly and return to international waters when armed Iranian naval boats approached them.

Iran said the Republic Guards detained the U.S. service members and questioned them about whether they were on an intelligence mission.

But an Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps spokesman said afterward that the boats strayed into Iranian waters by accident. The sailors were later released to the American naval fleet in the Persian Gulf.

"The evidence suggests that they unintentionally entered the Iranian waters because of the failure of their navigational system," spokesman Ramazan Sharif said.

The Fath (Victory) medal is among the highest honors that Iran's supreme leader can bestow on a military leader. It is rarely awarded.

Khamenei praised the generals as "brave" and commended them for bringing the Americans ashore.

The capture of the U.S. sailors "was in fact an act of God, who brought the Americans into our waters so they would be arrested with their hands on their heads through your timely measure," Khamenei said, according to Press TV.

Turkey: Russian jet crossed into airspace

The Foreign Ministry said the Russian SU-34 fighter was warned by Turkish air radar units, in both English and Russian, before it crossed into Turkish airspace from Syria on Friday.

The statement went on to warn that violations "could lead to serious consequences."

The Russian Defense Ministry denied that it violated Turkish airspace and called Ankara's allegations "unfounded propaganda.'

"There were no violations of Turkish airspace by planes of the Russian air group in the Syrian Arab Republic," the ministry said on Facebook.

The ministry said that the nationality of an aircraft cannot be established on radar.

"This is only possible through direct visual contact from another aircraft, which did not take place," the ministry emphasized.

Turkey's military shot down a Russian plane in November after it ignored several warnings and entered its airspace, according to Turkish officials. One Russian crew member was killed. Moscow disputed that its crew was given warnings before the F-16 fired and said the Russian plane was over Syria.

After the shootdown, Russia imposed a series of economic sanctions on Turkey, banning the import of some goods, imposing restrictions on travel, barring some Turkish companies from doing business in Russia and suspending a $12 billion gas pipeline project between the nations.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg called Saturday for "calm and de-escalation."

But he also said Russia should "act responsibly and to fully respect NATO airspace."

An official with the Russian Embassy in Ankara confirmed there was a meeting, Ria Novosti reported, but spokesman Igor Mityakov declined to comment on what was discussed.

Russia began airstrikes in Syria, one of Turkey's neighbors to the south, in September. Moscow has said the missions are in support of the Syrian government's fight against ISIS and other enemies.

Friday's allegations of an airspace violation came about a week after two U.S. officials told CNN it appeared that Russia could be making moves to establish an air base in northeastern Syria near the Turkish border.

The officials said the United States had seen a "limited" number of Russian military personnel, more akin to an exploratory party, looking at an airfield in Qamishli, possibly to determine how they might use the site.

U.S. officials: Russia looking at Syria airfield near Turkey

CNN's Gul Tuysuz, Elena Sandyrev and Jamie Crawford contributed to this report.

Lowongan Kerja PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero), Tbk

PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero), Tbk adalah Badan Usaha Milik Negara Indonesia yang berbentuk perseroan terbatas dan bergerak di bidang jasa keuangan perbankan. Kembali membuka kesempatan bagi anda untuk mengisi posisi jabatan sebagai berikut :

Priority Banking Officer


  • Pria / Wanita, Usia Maksimal 32 Tahun
  • Memiliki Pengalaman Di Bidang Retail Funding Marketing Minimal ± 1 Tahun
  • Memiliki Pengalaman Bekerja di Bidang Perbankan ± 3 Tahun
  • Pria dengan tinggi badan 165 cm dan wanita dengan tinggi badan 160 cm
Cara Pendaftaran:

Peserta mengantarkan Langsung Lamaran Ke Kantor Cabang Bank BTN Dengan Kelengkapan Lamaran Sebagai Berikut :

  1. Curiculum Vitae
  2. Surat Referensi dari Perusahaan Tempat Bekerja Terakhir
  3. SK Terakhir dari Perusahaan Tempat Bekerja Terakhir
  4. Foto Copy KTP
  5. Foto Copy Ijazah dan Transkrip Nilai
Persyaratan Umum:
  • Warga Negara Indonesia
  • Pendidikan minimal S1
  • Berpenampilan Menarik
  • Memiliki Jaringan Customer Base yang Luas
  • Memiliki Kemampuan Berbahasa Inggris Lisan & Tulisan
  • Tidak memiliki hubungan keluarga Ayah/Ibu/Kakak/Adik/Anak dengan pegawai BTN
Ketentuan Pendaftaran Lamaran

Peserta mengantarkan lamaran langsung ke Kantor Cabang Bank BTN dengan alamat sebagai berikut :

  1. Bank BTN Kantor Cabang Jakarta Kuningan, Wisma budi Lt. 1 & 2 Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. C 6 Jakarta 12940
  2. Bank BTN Kantor Cabang Kelapa Gading Square, Jl. Raya Boulevard barat Blok D No. 23 Jakarta 14210
  3. Bank BTN Kantor Cabang Jakarta Kebon Jeruk, Jl Anggrek No. 1 Kec. Kelapa Dua Kec. Kebon Jeruk Jakarta 11550
  4. Bank BTN Kantor Cabang Bekasi, Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 19 Bekasi 17143
  5. Bank BTN Kantor Cabang Jakarta Melawai, Jl. Melawai Raya No. 72 Blok B-4, Kebayoran Baru Jakarta 12130
  6. Bank BTN Kantor Cabang Cibubur, Ruko Madison Blok B1 No. 6-8 Cibubur Time Square, Jl. Raya Alternatif Transyogi Km 3 Cibubur, Bekasi 17435
  7. Bank BTN Kantor Cabang Bandung, Jl. Jawa No. 7 Bandung 40117
  8. Bank BTN Kantor Cabang Surabaya, Jl. Pemuda No. 50 Surabaya 60271
  9. Bank BTN Kantor Cabang Jakarta Melawai, Jl. Melawai Raya No. 72 Blok B-4, Kebayoran Baru Jakarta 12130
  10. Bank BTN Kantor Cabang Yogyakarta, Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 71 Yogyakarta 55223
  11. Bank BTN Kantor Cabang Denpasar, Jl. Dewi Sartika No. 2 Denpasar 80114
  12. Bank BTN Kantor Cabang Jember, Jl. A. Yani No. 05, Jember 68118
  13. Bank BTN Kantor Cabang Pekanbaru, Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 393 Pekanbaru 28116
  14. Bank BTN Kantor Cabang Bandar Lampung, Jl. Wolter Mongonsidi No. 80-88 Bandar lampung 35215
  15. Bank BTN Kantor Cabang Samarinda, Jl. RE. Martadinata No. 1 Samarinda 75127
  16. Bank BTN Kantor Cabang Palangkaraya, Jl. Diponegoro No. 23 Palangkaraya 73111

Untuk info lebih lanjut silahkan kunjungi www.btn.co.id

Lowongan Kerja S1 di Lampung

Perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang konstruksi di Lampung saat ini sedang membutuhkan tenaga kerja untuk posisi :



  • Pria
  • Usia minimal 35 tahun
  • Pendidikan minimal S1 semua jurusan
  • Diutamakan pengalaman supervisor / manager 2 tahun
  • Kemampuan komunikasi dan koordinasi dengan baik dengan berbagai pihak
  • Disiplin, pekerja keras, leadership, dapat bekerja dalam tim, siap lembur
  • Memiliki SIM A
  • Penempatan : Pagelaran - Pringsewu
Fasilitas :
  • Gaji Rp. 5.000.000,- / Bulan
  • Uang makan Rp. 50.000,- / Hari
  • Tunjangan transport dan pulsa (system reimburse)
  • Inventaris mobil operasional

Kirimkan CV. Lamaran Lengkap Anda ke Alamat:


Jln. Pulau Bacan No. 33C Kel. Jagabaya II Kec. Sukabumi, Bandar Lampung

E-mail : ayu.septianah@gmail.com

Sumber : Tribun Lampung, 30 Januari 2016

REKRUTMEN Group PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (Persero), BUMN

Group PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (Persero), BUMN yang bergerak dalam bidang pembiayaan kelompok untuk perempuan pelaku usaha mikro membuka kesempatan berkarir diseluruh Indonesia untuk posisi sebagai:



  • Pendidikan minimal SMA/SMK sedeerajat
  • Usia maksimal 40 tahun
  • Pengalaman sebagai Area Manager di pembiayaan kelompok selama 5 tahun
  • Memiliki SIM C dan motor
  • Berintegrasi, disiplin dan memiliki kemampuan memimpin


  • Pendidikan minimal SMA/SMK sedeerajat
  • Usia maksimal 32 tahun
  • Pengalaman sebagai Kepala cabang/ Unit Manager di pembiayaan kelompok selama 3 tahun
  • Memiliki SIM C dan motor
  • Berintegrasi, disiplin dan memiliki kemampuan memimpin


  • Pendidikan minimal SMA/SMK sedeerajat
  • Usia maksimal 27 tahun
  • Pengalaman sebagai Accounting Officer/Petugas Lapangan di pembiayaan kelompok selama 2 tahun
  • Memiliki SIM C dan motor
  • Berintegrasi, disiplin dan memiliki kemampuan memimpin
  1. Gaji yang kompetitif
  2. Kendaraan
  3. Tunjangan
  4. BPJS kesehatan
  5. BPJS Ketenagakerjaan
  6. Asuransi kecelakaan
  7. THR
  8. Pelatihan dan Karir

Kirimkan CV. Lamaran Lengkap Anda Disertai Kode Posisi Disudut Kanan Amplop ke Alamat:

PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (Persero)

GD. Arthaloka Lt.6 Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav.2 Jakarta

Email: rekrutmen@pnm.co.id

Sumber: Tribun Lampung, 30 Januari 2016

Lowongan Kerja Marketing di Bailey Beauty Masker - Solo (Fasilitas Gaji Pokok & Bonus)

BAILEY Beauty Masker 
(EST. 2015) 

BAILEY Beauty Mask telah di buka dan siap melayani sejak tahun 2015 silam dan percaya bahwa kami adalah perusahaan dengan pilihan jenis dan merek Masker Wajah terlengkap di Indonesia. Perusahaan kami bergerak di bidang bisnis online dan siap melayani kebutuhan pembeli di segala tempat, tak hanya di dalam kota Surakarta (HQ) / luar kota / luar pulau, namun kita juga melayani pengiriman International. Waktu dan profesionalitas adalah prioritas utama dari kami untuk menjamin kenyamanan pelanggan dalam melakukan transaksi. Posisi pekerjaan yang di butuhkan: 



  • Wanita, Max usia 25 tahun 
  • Memiliki jaringan koneksi yang luas 
  • Minimum Kualifikasi SMA/SMK 
  • Mampu bekerja dalam target 
  • Gaji Pokok 
  • Bonus 
Bagi yang berminat harap mengirimkan CV dan surat lamaran kepada detail kontak di bawah ini;



081 373 658 199

Lowongan Kerja di Hallosolo Kitchen - Solo (Leader, Cook Helper, Waiter dan Waitress)

Hallosolo Kitchen, bertempat di sebelah Rown Division Store Manahan membutuhkan karyawan untuk posisi :
  • A. LEADER 
  • B. COOK HELPER (diutamakan jurusan Boga)
Syarat :


  • Laki-laki/perempuan
  • Usia maks 30 th
  • Minimal SMA/SMK
  • Berjiwa pemimpin dan inisiatif tinggi
  • Jujur, ulet, motivasi kerja tinggi
  • Bertanggung jawab dan mampu bekerja dalam tim
  • Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan
B. COOK HELPER (diutamakan jurusan Boga)
  • Laki-laki/perempuan
  • Usia maks 30 th
  • Minimal SMA/SMK
  • Jujur, ulet, motivasi kerja tinggi
  • Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan
  • Waktu kerja dalam shift
  • Laki-laki/perempuan
  • Usia maks 30 th
  • Minimal SMA/SMK
  • Good looking dan komunikatif
  • Jujur, ulet, motivasi kerja tinggi
  • Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan
  • Waktu kerja dalam shift
Kirimkan CV dan surat lamaran kerja ke :

Hallosolo Kitchen
Jl. Adisucipto no.1, Manahan, Solo
( Samping Rown Store )

Lowongan Penjahit, Pola Kain dan Gunting Bahan di La Flair Batik - Hartono Trade Center



  • Wanita 
  • Pengalaman tidak diutamakan 
  • Bisa bikin pola, gunting bahan dan mengoperasikan mesin jahit dengan baik 
  • Lulusan SMK tata busana 
  • Menjahit batik halus 
  • Menyertakan cv & lamaran pekerjaan 
  • Usia max 35 thn 
Fasilitas :

  • Ada training 


Surfer Kelly Slater saves baby swept up in gigantic wave

The Aloha state has been hit by enormous waves thanks to this year's El Nino, sending even the most seasoned surfers tumbling as they attempt to navigate down the near vertical slopes.

In what has become a viral video sensation -- social media has termed it the "craziest wipeout ever captured on film" -- Dosland is sent airborne from a 40-foot monster wave.

Recounting the experience to Surfer Mag, Dosland likened the intense force to "being in a car crash". He said he was actually blinded for a few seconds because of the strong sea spray before falling.

"It looked like a sea monster rising out of the ocean when it came my way," Dosland said. "But I was going. No matter what. So I flipped around and started paddling to get into it."

"You can't really tell from the video, but there was some wind blowing spray up the face as I was about to drop in, which pretty much blinded me for a few seconds. I could only see out of one eye, and only partially."

He later added: "I was free-falling for a while. It felt like I jumped off a cliff. That's when my leash stretched out all the way and flipped me over head-first. From there, I hit the face and it was just a brutal beating, like I was in a car crash."

Read: Niccolo Porcella's monster wave

Kelly Slater saves baby

The monster waves were even enough to force 11-time world champion Kelly Slater on a walk of shame.

Unable to paddle out past the enormous breaks, he returned to shore, fortunately putting him in place for a dramatic rescue of an Australian mother and baby.

Sarah Whitey was pushing her toddler Van in a stroller on a sidewalk when they were knocked over by a large wave and swept up in a wall of water.

Slater jumped in, grabbed onto the stroller, pulled it upright and helped retrieve Whitey, who had been submerged.

The child's father, photographer Chris Whitey, described the frightening twenty to thirty seconds he couldn't see either his wife or son, and thanked the surfing legend via his Instagram.

He said his family was "a little shaken still, but doing great considering," and he was "forever grateful to the great man".

"It was like a tsunami," Sarah told Australian broadcaster Seven News.

"The only thing I was thinking of was, I don't want my son to drown, I don't want my son to drown. I just wanted to keep him up, so I just held onto that pram as long as I could," she said.

"There was a point where I got bumped and I let go, and that's when I thought, that's it."

Teen girl dead; student charged

Nicole Madison Lovell was last seen between 7 p.m. and midnight Wednesday at her home in Blacksburg, Virginia, police said.

The family found a dresser pushed against her bedroom door and said the middle-school student probably climbed out the apartment window, according to the Roanoke Times.

The family was extremely worried because Lovell required daily prescription medication for a liver transplant and didn't carry the medicine with her, according to police in Blacksburg, Virginia.

The search ended Saturday afternoon when her body was found about 100 miles away from home, Blacksburg Police Chief Anthony Wilson said.

Freshman engineering major arrested

"We were able to determine an approximate area where she might be found," he said. "Virginia State Police were dispatched to the general area Saturday afternoon and she was located just inside the North Carolina border on Route 89 in Surry County."

Texas college student killed in New Year's Eve shooting

David E. Eisenhauer, 18, of Columbia, Maryland, was already in custody. He was arrested Saturday morning at his residence on campus and charged with felony abduction, police said. Police said they acted on tips and social media to identify him.

After the remains were found, he was charged with murder. He's being held without bond in a jail in Montgomery County, Virginia, Wilson said.

"The speed at which this investigation has moved today has been nothing less than incredible," Wilson said. "We owe that to the outpouring of support and tips from the Blacksburg, Christansburg and Montgomery County communities."

Eisenhauer is a freshman engineering major and has been a member of the Virginia Tech cross country team, the Roanoke Times reported. The university said he's been suspended.

Police didn't give a motive or say how Lovell died.

CNN is attempting to find out if Eisenhauer has retained an attorney.

"We still have a great deal to do," Wilson said.

'Very wounded folks'

Lovell's disappearance had gripped the picturesque town of about 40,000 people, where the university is located.

"I'm scared to death," her father, David Lovell, told CNN affiliate WDBJ before she was found.

Police, the family and members of the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets searched for the girl, according to a statement from the school. Wilson said Lovell's body will be returned for an autopsy and authorities will work to reconstruct a timeline leading up to her death.

The university said it is reaching out to those affected by the tragedy.

"As a father, as well as Virginia Tech's president, I want to reassure you that our community is supportive and resilient," Virginia Tech President Tim Sands said in an open letter. "Lean on that support and the resources available to you. It is normal to feel anxious and overwhelmed at a time such as this. You are not alone."

The police chief said the Blacksburg community is reeling from the girl's death.

"We have some very wounded folks in this community and and please show them some respect," Wilson said. "We will continue to be very transparent with you during this investigation but please remember these are the kinds of crimes that rip communities apart."

CNN's Joshua Berlinger and Carma Hassan contributed to this report.

What we learned at the SAG awards

The actress and singer, who won for the HBO biopic "Bessie," started her speech with a few arm curls of the heavy trophy and then paid tribute to the "Bessie" team.

But it was when she was wrapping up that her speech really sang.

Don't let others put you in a box, she told viewers.

"I hope that anyone out there who doesn't come in a package that anyone says you should," she said. "Knock that thing away and do you."

'Spotlight' takes top prize at SAG Awards

Double the Idris Elba.

Elba won two individual SAG Awards in a single night: a supporting actor trophy for the film "Beasts of No Nation" and a lead actor for TV movie or miniseries for "Luther."

He was dapper and understated both times.

"I really don't know what to say," he said after the second win. "Two wins in one night. That's incredible."

But Elba did get off the quip of the night when he was introducing "Beasts of No Nation."

"Welcome to diverse TV," he said, tweaking the race controversy surrounding the Oscars.

That's smooth enough for James Bond.

Speaking of diversity ...

Not only did the SAG Awards nominate a number of performers of color, a few took home prizes.

However, Viola Davis, who won best female actor in a drama series for her performance in "How to Get Away With Murder," put the focus on acting as a craft, noting that it was her job to create a well-rounded character, not a role model.

"Why do I have to be a hero? Why do you have to like me?" she said. "My job as an actor is to create a human being to the best of my ability.

"I get so much joy out of being an actor," she said. "It has been the joy, (the) pleasure of my life."

So glad to have this time with Carol Burnett.

The comic legend has won a number of awards, including a Kennedy Center Honor and a Mark Twain Award. But SAG's Life Achievement honor was something special.

Burnett recounted her childhood in the Hollywood area, where she and her grandmother would sometimes watch six or eight movies a week. Parodying those films on "The Carol Burnett Show" was a highlight of her career, she said.

But she was also proud to demonstrate that a woman could thrive as the host of a comedy-variety show. Network execs had told her it was a man's job, citing Sid Caesar, Jackie Gleason and Dean Martin. But Burnett's contract said she could do a variety show if she wanted to -- and she wanted to.

Thanks to her talent -- along with that of Harvey Korman, Tim Conway, Vicki Lawrence, Lyle Waggoner and a tremendous staff -- the show lasted for 11 years. She also became a hero to figures such as Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, who introduced her.

"I'm so happy I pushed that button," Burnett said.

Who were you wearing?

Jewel tones dominated the red carpet. Kate Winslet wore green, as did Eva Longoria, Uzo Aduba and Burnett. Pinks and blues were also prominent.

But some celebrities got more notice for the look than the color. Burnett wore slippers on the red carpet, prompting one tweeter to say, "Comfort over fashion any day!"

And then there was Lori Petty, who opted to wear something besides a gown.

"Lori Petty is dressed like a mix between Tank Girl and a League of Their own," wrote Ryan Creed.

But though Hollywood News ranked her among the carpet's worst dressed, Jarett Wieselman didn't agree.

"Lori Petty FTW," he tweeted.

U.S. shows muscle in South China Sea

"This operation challenged attempts by the three claimants, China, Taiwan and Vietnam, to restrict navigation rights and freedoms around the features they claim by policies that require prior permission or notification of transit within territorial seas," Cmdr. Bill Urban said.

"This operation demonstrates, as President Obama and Secretary [Ash] Carter have stated, the United States will fly, sail and operate anywhere international law allows. That is true in the South China Sea, as in other places around the globe."

The USS Curtis Wilbur, an Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer, sailed within 12 nautical miles of the Triton Island, part of the Paracel Islands -- an archipelago claimed by the three.

None of them was notified of the move.

"This operation was about challenging excessive maritime claims that restrict the rights and freedoms of the United States and others, not about territorial claims to land features," Urban said. "The United States takes no position on competing sovereignty claims between the parties to naturally formed land features in the South China Sea. The United States does take a strong position on protecting the rights, freedoms, and lawful uses of the sea and airspace guaranteed to all countries, and that all maritime claims must comply with international law."

A spokeswoman for China's Foreign Ministry denounced the action.

"The U.S. naval ship violated Chinese law to enter China's territorial waters. China monitored the ship's movement and issued verbal messages in accordance with law," Hua Chunying said. "We urge the U.S. side to respect and abide by relevant laws of China, and do more to improve mutual trust as well as regional peace and stability."

Cui Tiankai, the Chinese ambassador to the United States, told CNN's Christiane Amanpour that the operation was "a very serious provocation, politically and militarily."

And a spokesman for the Chinese defense ministry, Senior Col. Yang Yujun, said Saturday's move and ones like it are "very unprofessional and irresponsible in terms of the safety of troops on both sides."

"It may cause extremely dangerous consequences," Yang said. "No matter what provocative actions the U.S. takes, the Chinese military will take all necessary means to firmly protect sovereignty and security."

The U.S. conducted a similar operation in October. China said it warned that warship, the USS Lassen, as it came close to reefs claimed by China in contested waters.

Much of the South China Sea is subject to a series of territorial disputes between Asian nations.

And near the Spratly Islands, which Beijing calls the Nansha islands, China has built an artificial island with air strips that analysts believe will be able to accommodate bombers.

Explaining the South China Sea dispute

Chinese miners rescued after 36 days

On Friday night, the four remaining miners known to have survived a December 25 mine collapse in eastern China were finally pulled to the surface.

Rescuers pulled the miners one by one from the collapsed gypsum mine in eastern China's Pingyi County, with video showing the cable lifting them by a harness.

The rescues were shown on state-run China Central Television. As one of the miners put his feet back on the surface, workers in orange coats and helmets surrounded him as a crowd of reporters and photographers moved in just behind them to record the spectacle.

The miner was put on a gurney and then into an ambulance.

Information on the miners' conditions wasn't immediately available.

At least 1 dead; 13 others missing

Twenty-nine people were working in the gypsum mine on December 25 when it collapsed, CCTV has reported. At least one died, 11 escaped, and 17 were believed to be trapped underground.

Five days later, rescuers who lowered infrared cameras into the mine found four survivors, CCTV reported.

Through narrow relief holes that were drilled, rescuers lowered food, lamps and clothes to the four. The 13 other miners are still missing.

Over time, rescuers drilled a wide hole toward the four survivors. The rescuers initially planned to lower a man-size capsule to the four, CCTV reported this month.

That would have been similar to a method used in 2010 to rescue 33 miners who were trapped 2,300 feet underground in a Chilean mine for more than two months.

Friday's CCTV footage did not show any capsule as the miners appeared above ground. Rather, the video showed the miners emerging from a hole in a platform over the mine, wearing a harness attached to a cable that was pulling them up.

Where the rescued Chilean miners are, 5 years after rescue

The owner of the mine, Ma Congbo, chief executive of Yurong Trade Co., committed suicide two days after the collapse by jumping into a mine well. Four county-level officials were fired on December 29, one day before the survivors were found, according to Xinhua, the Chinese government news agency.

CNN's Merieme Arif and Tim Schwarz contributed to this report.

Djokovic wins historic 6th Aus. Open

But Novak Djokovic is doing just that.

One could make the point, too, that he is even surpassing Federer's halcyon spells of 2006 and 2007.

Indeed, Djokovic is a notch above his nearest rivals and he drummed that home Sunday by cruising past Andy Murray 6-1 7-5 7-6 (7-3) in the Australian Open final.

The milestones keep piling up for the Serb: He became the first man in the Open Era to collect six Australian Open titles and moved into a tie for fifth on the men's grand slam ladder with Bjorn Borg and Rod Laver in tallying his 11th major. Laver watched Sunday's proceedings in the stadium named after him.

There will be those who will point to 2011 and 2012, when Djokovic won three grand slams five years ago, began the ensuing campaign with another success Down Under but then faltered at the French Open, Wimbledon and U.S. Open.

Could it happen again?

It is far less likely.

Australian Open 2016: Angelique Kerber stuns Serena Williams to win title

The Djokovic of today is a superior player and his recent record against the top-10 proves it -- a remarkable 50-6 in his last 56 encounters. He has won 11 of his last 12 against Murray, nine of his last 10 against Rafael Nadal and six of his last eight against Federer, including Thursday's semifinal at the Australian Open when Djokovic ruthlessly dispatched the 17-time grand slam champion.

"No doubt that I'm playing the best tennis of my life in the last 15 months," said Djokovic.

Added the married father of a 15-month-old son, Stefan: "Everything is going well privately, as well. I feel like I'm at the point in my life where everything is working in harmony."

Thus onlookers are justifiably calling Djokovic invincible; the man himself isn't getting carried away.

"I don't want to allow myself to be in that frame of mind," he said. "Because if I do, the person becomes too arrogant and thinks that he's a higher being or better than everybody else. You can get a big slap from karma very soon."

The lone threat for Djokovic at the sport's four crown jewels lately is Stan Wawrinka -- he deprived the Belgrade native of a calendar year grand slam at Roland Garros, the lone major to elude the world No. 1.

Laver was the last man to achieve the calendar year grand slam in 1969 but one veteran commentator thinks Djokovic can do it this season.

"At the start of this year, I've never felt so strongly in the years that I've been commentating that a guy can win all four majors, like I'm feeling this year," Robbie Koenig, a former pro from South Africa, told CNN. "And I think he's got the extra incentive of winning the French Open."

Murray has transformed the fortunes of British tennis but he made unwanted history following his latest reverse to Djokovic, becoming only the second player to lose a grand slam final at the same major five times. The other man was Murray's influential former coach Ivan Lendl.

Lendl, though, can at least say he didn't go without silverware at Flushing Meadows, bagging three titles.

Of Murray's five losses in the final, Djokovic has been on the other side of the net on four occasions.

The fortnight has certainly taken a toll on Murray, both mentally and physically, so the second seed may not have been able to produce his best.

He entered the event knowing his wife Kim Sears was eight months pregnant with their first child and then his father-in-law Nigel Sears -- who coaches women's player Ana Ivanovic -- collapsed while Murray competed on an adjacent court a week ago. Thankfully Sears was well enough to return to the UK.

Murray considered pulling out of the year's first major but stuck it out.

He endured draining encounters against David Ferrer in the quarterfinals and Milos Raonic in the semis Friday.

"A lot's been going on," Murray said. "I started the last couple of matches quite slowly, understandable in some respects.

"But I'm proud of the way I fought and managed to get myself back into the" final and "create chances for myself."

Normally taking at least an hour to attend his briefing with reporters, Murray hurried into his press conference because he had a plane to catch Monday at 1 a.m. Melbourne time.

"I'm proud that I got into this position," he said. "Just quite looking forward to getting home now."

Players who have contested the second semifinal, on the Friday, not Thursday, in Melbourne had actually won five of the previous eight finals but in this case the extra day off for Murray would have, one senses, benefited him greatly.

Sania Mirza, Martina Hingis continue doubles dominance at Australian Open

"Obviously when you get into these stages of tournaments you want to have as much gas in the tank as possible," said Koenig. "I don't think we can ever comprehend or understand how much pressure these guys are under to perform as it is.

"Then for Andy to have to deal with all the other stuff, it was always going to be a big ask. In fact, I thought Andy was going to be lucky to get a set."

Djokovic needed a mere 20 minutes to dispatch Federer in the first set Thursday and he picked up where he left off, taking 30 minutes to give Murray the worst possible start.

By that time, Djokovic's fourth-round struggle against Gilles Simon, when he was stretched to five sets and made 100 unforced errors, turned into a distant memory.

Mind you Murray had his opportunity in the first game, setting up a break point. Djokovic erased it with a stunning cross-court backhand.

It, perhaps, set the tone for the set, if not the match.

"Andy doesn't break and it's a double whammy because he gets broken straight away in the next game," said Koenig.

The second was an absorbing 80-minute duel.

Murray, a counter-puncher, altered his normally cautious approach by letting rip on his ground strokes, especially on his stronger backhand side. Murray's forehand has never been in the same class as Djokovic, Nadal and Federer and it fell well short when it mattered most. Overall he struck eight forehand winners to go along with 28 unforced errors.

"I think I didn't hit my forehand particularly well at the beginning of the match," said Murray.

He was always hanging on in the second, facing break points in four different games against the game's top returner. Call it somewhat ironic, since Murray actually produced an impressive nine aces in the set.

A fine backhand cross-court passing shot put Djokovic on the front foot in the third game, the most compelling of the evening. Lasting 11 minutes, Murray summoned the energy to fight off four break points and keep it close.

When Djokovic grabbed a break for 4-3, the affair had the feel of being realistically over.

Australian Open: How rank outsider Mark Edmondson stunned tennis

Murray, though, continuing to crunch his backhand, broke straight back for some suspense.

Dropping serve from 40-0 in a close set, and in a final, can be demoralizing and that's what happened to Murray at 5-5.

Still, a nervous Djokovic hit consecutive double faults to give Murray a break back point in the 12th game. Murray netted a backhand after not electing to challenge Djokovic's serve -- which replays showed was long.

There was no way back for Murray, although give credit to the two-time grand slam champion for not surrendering, especially after falling behind 2-0.

To the crowd's delight, Murray got back to 3-3.

A pair of double faults in the tiebreak sealed his fate and Djokovic closed out the contest in two hours, 53 minutes with an ace.

He kissed the court and exchanged hugs with his entourage, including his coach Boris Becker, who was nearly in tears.

"I've had a love affair with Rod Laver Arena for many years and I hope it can last a long time," said Djokovic, who was later feted by dozens of his fans in the main square outside the arena.

The Murray brothers did win one title at the Australian Open, with Jamie teaming up with Bruno Soares to clinch the doubles title Saturday.

Djokovic, meanwhile, matched the amateur record of six Australian Open titles won by Roy Emerson in the 1960s, and his haul at majors shows no sign of subsiding.

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Mirza and Hingis win doubles

Sania Mirza and Martina Hingis won their 36th straight match Friday and in the process claimed the Australian Open women's doubles title.

A day after they faced off in mixed doubles -- Mirza and Ivan Dodig beat Hingis and Leander Paes -- the Indo-Swiss pairing overcame Lucie Hradecka and Andrea Hlavackova of the Czech Republic 7-6 (7-1) 6-3.

If Hingis and Mirza subsequently win the French Open doubles title in June, they would complete the "Santina Slam" or winning four consecutive grand slams.

"Our fairytale continues," Hingis told reporters. "It's amazing since winning Wimbledon."

For the 35-year-old Hingis, it was her fifth Australian Open women's double title; her first came all the way back in 1997.

After coming out of retirement twice, the "Swiss Miss" has reestablished herself as a force in doubles. This month she joined Mirza as the No. 1 player in the world 18 years after her first stint at top spot.

Her volleying and anticipation appear to be the perfect complement to Mirza's power game. Mirza possesses one of the fiercest forehands in the women's game and often troubles opponents with her crunching returns.

"She's one of the hardest-hitting players out there," Hingis said. "Like her groundstrokes, her return is really amazing, and her forehand is, if not the best in the world -- okay, maybe Serena (Williams) can hit it as hard," she said of the women's No. 1 who will play in Saturday's singles final.

"But, yeah, there's not that many people who can match her in the forehand rallies and me on the backhand side and at the net."

Mirza, not part of Hingis' briefing with reporters because she had to prepare for a mixed doubles semifinal, defied the odds to become a tennis player in India, playing on cow manure in her formative years. Now she is one of India's top stars.

Set of breaks

Each team broke four times in the first set Friday at Rod Laver Arena -- the roof closed due to showers on a nippy day in Melbourne.

The turning point came when the Czechs, who triumphed in two majors together, failed to serve out the first at 5-4.

Hingis and Mirza dominated the tiebreak and even after Hingis received a medical timeout for a shoulder injury, took a 2-0 lead in the second. They didn't waver again.

Their winning streak is the longest in women's doubles since Czechs Jana Novotna and Helena Sukova won 44 straight in 1990. The all-time record is still in the considerable distance: Martina Navratilova and Pam Shriver reached 109 straight victories from 1983 to 1985.

Djokovic crushes Federer

Shaolin monks inspire show-stopping routine

It works for Germany's Jannis Drewell, whose Shaolin kung fu-inspired routine won him the European vaulting championships last year.

Vaulting is gymnastics and dance on a moving horse, while the Shaolin monks are feted for their acrobatic and explosive martial arts moves. Combine the two, and if you are Drewell you become world No.1.

"The Shaolin monk routine was the idea of our national trainer Kai Vorberg -- he saw the movie 'Kung-Fu Panda,'" Drewell told CNN.

"He said it was great, but we needed a costume and then he saw a picture of the Shaolin monks in the newspaper. I then tried to learn how they move and bring it onto the horse -- we've got a choreographer who helps me," he says.

The 24-year-old's hard work has clearly paid off -- his high-flying performances earning victory in all three of the World Cup qualifying rounds he has entered this season, in Salzburg, Austria, Mechelen in Belgium and on home soil in Leipzig.

'Dream' win

Drewell, who will start as favorite for the World Cup finals in Dortmund in March, was stunned when he clinched the European crown and achieved his "dream" in Aachen last August.

"I did not really realize that I had won this because I did not hear the guy who told us and I stand there and I get the marks, and I'm OK, that's good but I don't know how the others were like," he told CNN.

"Then my coach comes and says, 'Jannis, you are the European champion' and I'm like: 'WHAT?' 'Yeah, you are the European champion ...'

"There was so much emotion in one moment, it's really difficult to explain."

But how, exactly, do you get into vaulting in the first place?

"My mother was a coach in vaulting for long years and so I always had to go with her when I was a child," he added.

"I loved working together with horses, but only riding was kind of boring so I thought I have to do something more. So yeah, when I was eight years old I started vaulting."

Drewell's mother Simone is now his trainer and lunger -- the person who holds the reins and keeps the horse cantering in a circle.

The vaulter, lunger and horse must be in perfect symmetry to achieve the best results.

"You have to like the horse and they need to like you," adds Drewell.

Dressing as a Shaolin monk also helps.

MORE: Incredible stunts of 'telepathic' horseman

Djokovic wins record 6th Aus. Open title

Story highlights

  • Djokovic wins sixth Melbourne title
  • Claims his 11th major
  • Murray loses fifth Australian Open final

The world No. 1 also claimed his third grand slam crown in a row and 11th overall to tie Bjorn Borg and Rod Laver, who was in attendance at the stadium named after him in Melbourne.

The second-ranked Murray simply can't find a way to beat his pal and fellow 28-year-old. Djokovic has claimed 11 of their past 12 meetings and this was the fourth time the Scot fell to the Serb in the finale at Melbourne Park.

Murray has transformed the fortunes of British tennis all by himself but he made unwanted history, becoming only the second man to lose the final at the same grand slam five times. The other player was Murray's former influential coach, Ivan Lendl, whose struggles came at the U.S. Open. Lendl, though, won three times at Flushing Meadows.

Djokovic, appearing in his 17th straight final, improved to a remarkable 50-6 in his last 56 matches versus the top 10.

'Grease: Live' prepares to roll

Sunday night, Fox will present "Grease: Live," a TV version of the hit Broadway musical that was turned into -- or, depending on your view, glossily twisted -- into a blockbuster 1978 film.

It's the network's entry into the live-musical TV sweepstakes that's been dominated by NBC's holiday productions of "The Sound of Music" (2013), "Peter Pan" (2014) and "The Wiz" (2015).

Given the popularity of the 1978 movie starring John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John, it's easily forgotten how raw the 1971 stage version -- which hit Broadway in somewhat altered form in 1972 -- was.

Jim Jacobs and Warren Carey's original was set in Jacobs' native Chicago and reflected the working-class lives of his old high school friends. The lyrics to "Greased Lightning," which survived into the movie, are all you need to know.

But despite the long run of the show -- when the original production closed in 1980, it was the longest-running show in Broadway history -- and countless amateur presentations, the film is so deeply etched in people's minds that it must be acknowledged. (In fact, post-film stage productions generally have incorporated some of the film's material.)

That's what the TV folks have in mind.

"One of the things we really were very focused on was trying to capture the spirit of both the original companies of 'Grease' and that film that has left such an indelible impression on all of us," director Thomas Kail told The Hollywood Reporter. "To try to honor that and pay homage to something that has moved us and we have such a great affection for, and then try to make our own version of it."

It's got an able cast -- and a terrific director.

The stage and movie versions of "Grease" are hard acts to follow: Among the performers who played the Broadway version are Barry Bostwick, Adrienne Barbeau, Richard Gere, Patrick Swayze, Marilu Henner, Treat Williams and Peter Gallagher.

Jeff Conaway and Travolta, both of whom also played Broadway, were in the movie version with Stockard Channing, Didi Conn, Michael Tucci and Newton-John.

But the TV version has a few aces, including Vanessa Hudgens as Rizzo, Carly Rae Jepsen as Frenchy and Keke Palmer as Marty alongside Julianne Hough's Sandy and stage veteran Aaron Tveit's Danny. (Also in the cast: "Brady Bunch" favorite Eve Plumb and "Wire" and "Treme" notable Wendell Pierce.)

But the real ace may be the TV production's director: Kail, who's the director of the Broadway phenomenon "Hamilton."

Kail likes the idea of mixing it up between stage and screen.

"I deeply believe that theater should be for everyone," he told The New York Times. "I want people to do new plays on television."

It could be huge.

The live-musical game has been golden for the Peacock Network: "The Sound of Music" and "The Wiz," in particular, brought NBC large audiences.

Fox has mounted a huge push for "Grease: Live," as you've probably noticed by all the ads during football games.

The New York Times reported that the budget is $16 million -- massive for television -- and the live production will be accompanied by a behind-the-scenes "Internet experience" and a soundtrack album.

Aside from Kail, the musical's brain trust includes "Wicked" producer Marc Platt, "Hamilton" designer David Korins and award-winning composer and music director Tom Kitt. Kitt and collaborator Brian Yorkey have written two new songs.

Aside from the television audience, the show will have a live audience as well -- sometimes visible in the production.

It could rain.

Designer Korins built a "cafegymatorium" for the show, but not all of "Grease" will be set indoors. Some of the production will be shot outdoors on a carnival set.

This could be problematic, given that Sunday's forecast -- thanks to El Niño -- is for rain in Southern California.

However, don't worry too much. The set will be well protected by plastic sheeting, keeping "Grease" from turning into "Singin' in the Rain."

It's a harbinger of more to come.

"Grease: Live" is just the first musical Fox has planned. The network also announced a production of "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" for fall, starring Laverne Cox.

ABC is getting into the game, preparing a (taped) "Dirty Dancing" with Abigail Breslin. And NBC has no reason to stop: Its next project will be "Hairspray."

Talk about hair-dos. With so much at stake, "Grease" is no kid stuff.

Who took home the statuettes?

"Straight Outta Compton"



Outstanding performance by a male actor in a leading role

Bryan Cranston, "Trumbo"

Johnny Depp, "Black Mass"

Leonardo DiCaprio, "The Revenant"*

Michael Fassbender, "Steve Jobs"

Eddie Redmayne, "The Danish Girl"


Outstanding performance by a female actor in a leading role

Cate Blanchett, "Carol"

Brie Larson, "Room"*

Helen Mirren, "Woman in Gold"

Saoirse Ronan, "Brooklyn"

Sarah Silverman, "I Smile Back"


Outstanding performance by a male actor in a supporting role

Christian Bale, "The Big Short"

Idris Elba, "Beasts of No Nation"*

Mark Rylance, "Bridge of Spies"

Michael Shannon, "99 Homes"

Jacob Tremblay, "Room"


Outstanding performance by a female actor in a supporting role

Rooney Mara, "Carol"

Rachel McAdams, "Spotlight"

Helen Mirren, "Trumbo"

Alicia Vikander, "The Danish Girl"*

Kate Winslet, "Steve Jobs"


Outstanding performance by an ensemble in a drama series

"Downton Abbey"*

"Game of Thrones"


"House of Cards"

"Mad Men"


Outstanding performance by an ensemble in a comedy series

"The Big Bang Theory"

"Key & Peele"

"Modern Family"

"Orange Is the New Black"*




Outstanding performance by a male actor in a drama series

Peter Dinklage, "Game of Thrones"

Jon Hamm, "Mad Men"

Rami Malek, "Mr. Robot"

Bob Odenkirk, "Better Call Saul"

Kevin Spacey, "House of Cards"*


Outstanding performance by a female actor in a drama series

Claire Danes, "Homeland"

Viola Davis, "How to Get Away With Murder"*

Julianna Margulies, "The Good Wife"

Maggie Smith, "Downton Abbey"

Robin Wright, "House of Cards"


Outstanding performance by a male actor in a comedy series

Ty Burrell, "Modern Family"

Louis C.K., "Louie"

William H. Macy, "Shameless"

Jim Parsons, "The Big Bang Theory"

Jeffrey Tambor, "Transparent" *


Outstanding performance by a female actor in a comedy series

Uzo Aduba, "Orange Is the New Black" *

Edie Falco, "Nurse Jackie"

Ellie Kemper, "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt"

Julia Louis-Dreyfus, "Veep

Amy Poehler, "Parks and Recreation"


Outstanding performance by a male actor in a television movie or miniseries

Idris Elba, "Luther"*

Ben Kingsley, "Tut"

Ray Liotta, "Texas Rising"

Bill Murray," A Very Murray Christmas"

Mark Rylance, "Wolf Hall"


Outstanding performance by a female actor in a television movie or miniseries

Nicole Kidman, "Grace of Monaco"

Queen Latifah, "Bessie"*

Christina Ricci, "The Lizzie Borden Chronicles"

Susan Sarandon, "The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe"

Kristen Wiig, "The Spoils Before Dying"


Outstanding action performance by a stunt ensemble in a motion picture


"Furious 7"

"Jurassic World"

"Mad Max: Fury Road"*

"Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation"


Outstanding action performance by a stunt ensemble in a comedy or drama series

"The Blacklist"

"Game of Thrones"*


"Marvel's Daredevil"

"The Walking Dead"


Life Achievement Award

Carol Burnett*

Actors saluting actors at SAG Awards

A breathless Mark Ruffalo thanked the creative team, particularly writer-director Tom McCarthy and writer Josh Singer for not taking shortcuts and honoring the survivors of the Catholic church sexual abuse scandal. The film concerned the Boston Globe reporters who investigated sexual abuse in the church.

Added co-star Michael Keaton, "This is for every Flint, Michigan, in the world. This is for the powerless. It comes down to two things. There's fair and unfair. And I'm always going to vote for fair. I'm always going to vote for the good guys."

The victory cements "Spotlight's" status as the front-runner for the best picture Academy Award.

Leonardo DiCaprio won best actor for his performance in "The Revenant." He received a standing ovation as he accepted his award.

"I'm truly humbled by this because it comes from all of you, my fellow actors," he said. He noted that he spent his teen years watching films to soak up the history of movies.

"For any young actors out there, I encourage you to watch the history of cinema," he said. "You realize we all stand on the shoulders of giants."

Brie Larson won best actress for her performance in "Room."

Alicia Vikander won the best supporting actress trophy for her performance in "The Danish Girl."

The Swedish actress, visibly overwhelmed by the honor, thanked her fellow actors.

"This is the highest honor to be allowed to join this stage," she said.

Idris Elba followed with a supporting actor win for "Beasts of No Nation" and for his performance in the TV series "Luther."

He also got off the line of the night: "Welcome to diverse TV," a tweak at the Oscars, which nominated a slate of all-white acting nominees and has gotten a great deal of backlash.

Charlotte Rampling: Welcome to Hollywood hypocrisy

All hail Burnett

Legendary comedian Carol Burnett won the Screen Actors Guild Life Achievement honor.

Burnett was greeted by a standing ovation -- and sent off to one as well.

In between, she told the story of how "The Carol Burnett Show" almost didn't happen. The network wanted a half-hour sitcom called "Here's Agnes," but Burnett had a contract that allowed her to "push the button" for a variety show.

"All the comedy-variety shows are hosted by men," the network told her. "It's really not for a gal. Comedy-variety is a man's game."

Burnett proved them wrong with an 11-year run with the top variety show on TV.

"I'm so happy I pushed that button," Burnett said before concluding with her usual signoff: "I'm so glad we had this time together."

Burnett was earning chuckles on the red carpet simply through her footwear -- what appeared to be slippers.


"Orange Is the New Black" won for comedy ensemble.

"Orange's" Uzo Aduba won the first award of the evening, for actress in a comedy series. Jeffrey Tambor won actor in a comedy series for "Transparent."

"Get up here, Dad," said presenter Jason Bateman, who played Tambor's son in "Arrested Development."

"Downton Abbey" won for drama ensemble -- a surprise, given a nomination for the final season of "Mad Men."

The SAG Awards are often punctuated by tributes to the acting profession. Given the challenge of getting roles, performers like Ty Burrell -- who was up for an acting award for his performance in "Modern Family" -- can appreciate that.

"To me, (the nomination) is just proof I'm still employed," he said to E! on the red carpet.

The 22nd annual SAG Awards ceremony aired from Los Angeles' Shrine Auditorium.

Elon Musk: SpaceX wants to send people to Mars by 2025

SpaceX rocket explodes on landing
SpaceX rocket explodes on landing

Are you ready to go to Mars?

SpaceX CEO Elon Musk said he's hoping to send people to Mars by "around 2025."

During a forum in Hong Kong on Tuesday, Musk said SpaceX is hoping to make these commercial flights in about "nine years from now -- thereabouts."

He also explained the significance of going to Mars.

"It's the only planet we really have a shot at establishing a self-sustaining city on," Musk said.

He discussed the importance of inspiring humanity, citing the Apollo program as an example to emulate. Musk also talked about the possibility of extending civilization beyond our solar system.

"It's really a fundamental decision we need to make as a civilization," Musk said. "What kind of future do we want? Do we want a future where we're forever confined to one planet until some eventual extinction event however far in the future that might occur? Or do we want to become a multi-planet species?"

Related: SpaceX gets mission to take NASA crew to space

Related: Elon Musk's SpaceX set to get its first military contract

Musk also said he expects to unveil a new rocket model at the International Astronautical Congress in October.

SpaceX plans to send a crew to the International Space Station at the end of 2017. Musk wants to visit the station in the next four or five years.

What's he doing to prepare for going into space? Not much in the way of zero-gravity training.

"I don't think it's that hard honestly. I mean just float around. It's not that hard to float around," Musk said.

But it seems SpaceX still has a ways to go. It's latest attempt to launch and land a rocket failed spectacularly earlier this month.

The SpaceX rocket completed the first step of its unmanned mission -- carrying a satellite into low orbit. But, when it tried to land upright on a floating pl atform known as a droneship, it touched down, tipped over and exploded in flames.

Huge crowd rallies in Rome against same-sex unions, adoptions

One weekend after demonstrators staged rallies in more than 80 cities to show support for the legislation, a large crowd packed Rome's Circus Maximus ruins to express the opposite view.

"We are here in Rome to defend the family, not only our family but all the families in Italy and all the families in the world," Armando Mantuano said. "I hope that we defend the children, because they deserve a father and a mother."

Mantuano had plenty of company. Organizers claimed more than 2 million in attendance; a survey of the crowd suggests a far lower figure, perhaps tens of thousands, though no official figure was immediately released. Their hope was to influence legislators ahead of next week's parliamentary debate on the proposed law.

Every other major Western European country already has legally recognized same-sex partnerships -- civil unions or marriages -- and corresponding adoptions. But it's no sure thing this will happen soon in Italy, a country with deep Cathol ic roots.

Saturday's crowd, consisting of everyone from nuns to small children, listened and often cheered as speakers talked about their desire to keep marriage between one man and one woman. They were often even more adamant about not letting homosexual couples adopt children, with organizer Masimo Gandolfini decrying what he called "the sale of a uterus."

"A woman is not a furnace where children are made," Gandolfini said. "And you cannot transform parenthood into a right."

Alessandro Margiotta, a doctor, woke up at 5 a.m. to travel all the way from Rimini to Rome to join the throng and drive home this point.

"We want to say 'No' to ... civil unions," Margiotta told CNN. "[And] we think [children] have the principal right to have one mother and one father, not two fathers or two mothers."

Gay couple taken back by debate

One distinct possibility is that the existing legislation is split up. That could mean allowing legal recognition of same-sex couples for taxation and other purposes, but not to let them adopt children, which is driving some of the fiercest opposition.

Revising the law in this way would be no comfort to Dario De Gregorio and Andrea Rubera.

Dario De Gregorio and Andrea Rubera smile with their three children.

Dario De Gregorio and Andrea Rubera smile with their three children.

They were married in Canada in 2009, and both their names are on the birth certificates of their three children, all of whom were born thanks to a surrogate mother, anonymous egg donor and both of their sperm. Their hope now is to have officials in Italy, where they now live, recognize both men as their children's parents, not just one or the other.

Rubera has been taken back by the venom that's been directed against gay and lesbian couples amid the debate.

"They portray us as robbers or kidnappers, using words like 'womb for rent, uterus for rent,'" he told CNN. "Saying you stole your kids, you stole your kids from their mother. You denied to your kids to have a mother, you bought your kids from the supermarket like watermelons."

He's hopeful that Italy passes the proposed law but resigned to the idea that the country is not yet ready for full-on same-sex marriage.

"I think we have to fight in the future for equal marriage," Rubera said. "But at the moment, I think civil unions would be a good first step with stepchild adoption."

Gay dads hope Italy approves law

In the Catholic Church's backyard

While there's no denying the gay rights movement's momentum elsewhere in Europe, Italy is a unique case because of its position as the cradle of Roman Catholicism.

Around the world, the Catholic Church has been among the most outspoken entities in support of traditional marriages and opposition to those between two men or two women. While Pope Francis hasn't weighed in personally on Italy's debate, it is notable that his Church's headquarters, the Vatican, is literally surrounded by Rome.

The Italian Bishops Conference on Friday ripped the idea of "alternative" marriages, its president Angelo Bagnasco having said earlier that "we must never forget the identity that is proper to the family."

Yet Nunzio Galantino, that conference's secretary-general and a close ally of Pope Francis, had adopted a softer tone.

"Society has in itself an increasing presence of different kinds of couples," Galantino said in a statement. "The State's duty is to give answers to all, with respect to the common good, above and beyond the welfare of single individuals.

"We are all learning that when confronted by such a complex reality as this, if positions are radicalized, whatever the good will, one ends up with fragmented and disorderly solutions which are often the product of the prevailing of one lobby over the other."

Journalist Barbie Latza Nadeau reported from Rome, and CNN's Greg Botelho reported and wrote from Atlanta. Journalist Livia Borghese contributed to this report.

Children among 33 migrants dead after boat sinks

Europe's migration crisis in 25 photos

The Turkish coast guard helps refugees near Aydin, Turkey, after their boat toppled en route to Greece on Friday, January 22. More than 1 million refugees and migrants escaped to Europe in 2015, the U.N. refugee agency said. Click through to see images from the migration crisis in Europe.

Europe's migration crisis in 25 photos

Migrants cross a frozen stream near the village of Miratovac, Serbia, as they walk from the Macedonian border into Serbia on Monday, January 18.

Europe's migration crisis in 25 photos

A refugee, holding his son and daughter, cries tears of joy after their boat arrived on the Greek island of Kos on Saturday, August 15. The island in the Aegean Sea has been overwhelmed by Syrian refugees.

Europe's migration crisis in 25 photos

Europe's migration crisis in 25 photos

Europe's migration crisis in 25 photos

An excavator dumps life vests previously used by migrants on the island of Lesbos, Greece, on Thursday, September 24.

Europe's migration crisis in 25 photos

A column of migrants moves along a path between farm fields in Rigonce, Slovenia, on Sunday, October 25.

Europe's migration crisis in 25 photos

Europe's migration crisis in 25 photos

A migrant in Gevgelija, Macedonia, tries to sneak on a train bound for Serbia on Monday, August 17. Migrants have entered Macedonia from Greece, heading north through the Balkans on their way to more prosperous countries in the European Union.

Europe's migration crisis in 25 photos

The Qasu family, Yazidi refugees from Sinjar, Iraq, wait at a registration camp near the southern Macedonian town of Gevgelija on Saturday, December 5.

Europe's migration crisis in 25 photos

The Kusadasi Ilgun, a sunken 20-foot boat, lies in waters off the Greek island of Samos on Sunday, November 1.

Europe's migration crisis in 25 photos

A police officer in Calais, France, tries to prevent migrants from heading for the Channel Tunnel to England on Wednesday, June 17.

Europe's migration crisis in 25 photos

Refugees rescued off the Libyan coast get their first sight of Sardinia as they sail in the Mediterranean Sea toward Cagliari, Italy, on Thursday, September 3.

Europe's migration crisis in 25 photos

A Belgian sailor throws life vests to refugees during a search-and-rescue mission off the Libyan coast on Tuesday, June 23.

Europe's migration crisis in 25 photos

Syrian refugees sleep on the floor of a train car taking them from Macedonia to the Serbian border on Sunday, August 30.

Europe's migration crisis in 25 photos

The body of an unidentified woman washes ashore in Skala, on the Greek island of Lesbos, on Sunday, November 1.

Europe's migration crisis in 25 photos

Afghan migrants sit next to drying laundry at the Galatsi Olympic Hall in Athens, Greece, on Wednesday, November 4.

Europe's migration crisis in 25 photos

Migrants board a train at Keleti station in Budapest, Hungary, after the station was reopened on Thursday, September 3.

Europe's migration crisis in 25 photos

Europe's migration crisis in 25 photos

Local residents and rescue workers help migrants from the sea after a boat carrying them sank off the island of Rhodes, Greece, on Monday, April 20.

Europe's migration crisis in 25 photos

Europe's migration crisis in 25 photos

Syrians sleep inside a greenhouse at a makeshift camp for asylum-seekers near Roszke, Hungary, on Sunday, September 13.

Europe's migration crisis in 25 photos

A migrant jumps a fence in Calais, France, as he attempts to access the Channel Tunnel leading to England on Wednesday, August 5.

Europe's migration crisis in 25 photos

Policemen try to disperse hundreds of migrants by spraying them with fire extinguishers during a registration procedure in Kos, Greece, on Tuesday, August 11.

Europe's migration crisis in 25 photos

Refugees walk past people on a beach in Calais, France, during a demonstration on Saturday, August 8.

Europe's migration crisis in 25 photos

Syrian refugees walk the rails as they try to cross from Serbia into Hungary on Tuesday, September 1.

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